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URLConvert v0.2.0 documentation

# -- coding: utf-8 --

URLConvert - A simple, modular URL conversion toolkit


URLConvert does just one thing and aims to do it well; it converts a URL to a dictionary of variables and converts a dictionary of variables back to a URL.

It is designed as a replacement for Routes which aims to:

  • be more predictable
  • be really simple for all common cases (and even some of the less common ones)
  • handle multiple different encodings
  • allow variables in any part of the URL
  • be modular and extensible for different needs

URLConvert is built on the belief that as your requirements become more complex the law of diminishing returns kicks in and it becomes more effort to learn how a framework deals with your particular case than to hand code the solution. URLConvert therefore also aims to:

  • provide APIs designed in such a way that existing configuration will work nicely alongside a hard coded solution

URLConvert is targetted specifically at web applications where the paradigm of treating a URL as nothing more that a dictionary of variables proves very useful in three areas in particular:

  • dispatching requests to specific parts of the application based on the URL
  • generating URLs which point to various parts of your application
  • storing application state via the URL, removing the need for custom query strings or hidden form variables to maintian state

Unlike other URL parsing systems, URLConvert can extract variables from any part of a URL including the host, port, scheme and path info. You can also extract variables from the query string and even from the script name part of a URL (although as you’ll see this isn’t recommended since the conversions are designed to be agnostic of the way the application is deployed).

Because URLConvert is highly modular though it is easy to create your own converters which have different characteristics from the defaults.


  • How secure are regexs for the URL matching? Actually nothing from the web goes into the regex so we are fine.
  • What’s the point of the query string code? The script code?


  • Generating domains doesn’t work yet
  • Change
  • Writing your own rules, caching custom rules, even when getting things from the state


URLConvert is a simple toolkit for converting a URL to a dictionary of variables and converting a dictionary of variables back to a URL. Converting a URL to a dictionary of variables is called matching in URLConvert terminology. Converting a dictionary of variables back to a URL is called generating.

Before we go into the detail of how URLConvert works, we’ll take a look at how the these processes work.

Understanding the Matching Process

When a human wants to work out which variables a particular URL represents they will compare the current URL to a list of possible patterns they know their application uses. Consider this URL:


A human would instantly recognise the subdomain as www, the domain name as example.com and that account and signin were key variables in the path info component. If it was imortant in the application the human would also be able to recognise that this is a secure URL and that the port is implied to mean port 443 (the port an HTTPS connection uses by default).

In performing this analysis a human would apply different criteria to different parts of the URL. They know that a domain name contains two names separated by a . character and that any other . characters between the two / characters represent sub-domain components. On the other hand, when a human looks at the path info component they know that the key variables are separated by a / character.

A web application to serve this URL might need to know all of the information identified in the first paragraph or it might only need to know the subdomain and the two key variables in the path info component. URLConvert allows you to express this with a string which looks like this:


This syntax allows URLConvert to analse the URL in the same way a human would, ignoring the domain name, scheme (http or https) and port. It would then create variables for each of the names you do want to match and it would assign the text in the URL at the position of that variable to the variable name so that you would end up with a dictionary looking like this:

    'subdomain': u'www',
    'controller': u'account',
    'action': u'signin',

The variable names controller and action don’t mean anything special to URLConvert, you could choose other names if you preferred, but it is a convention from Ruby on Rails which means that the application controller and action used to handle the URL will be based on the contents of the controller and action variables.

By setting up a series of different rules you can create a ruleset that allows you to correctly match any URL your application uses.

Although rules represent the easiest way of expressing the vast majority of URL structures you can also write your own matching and generating converters directly if you prefer or if you have particularly complex rules.

Rules are always expressed as Unicode strings. This rule tells URLConvert that the scheme, host, port, script_name and query_string can be ignored but that in order for the rule to apply the path_info component should contain exactly one / character with characters both before and after it and that the characters before the / should be used to set the controller variable and the characters afterwards should be used to set the action variable.

Usually a set of rules are used together as a ruleset, notice that the domain names are different in the two rules:

>>> from urlconvert import RuleSet, rule
>>> from conversionkit.exception import ConversionError
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'http://example.com:80/{hi}'),
...     rule(u'http://example.net:80/{hi}'),
... ])

Let’s try to match some different URLs against these rules:

>>> for url in [
...     u'http://example.com/name/2?a=a',
...     u'https://example.net/name/2?',
...     u'http://example.net/name?a=a',
... ]:
...     match = ruleset.match_url(url)
...     if match.successful:
...         print "Success: %r" % match.result
...     else:
...         print "Failed: %s" % match.error
Failed: No rule matched
Failed: No rule matched
Success: {u'hi': u'name'}

As you can see, only the third rule matched. The match object is just a ConversionKit Conversion instance for the conversion which takes place for each URL behind the scenes. This means you can easily inspect it to see why the rules that failed weren’t successful:

>>> match.children
[<conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>, <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>]
>>> match.children[0].error
'The host field is invalid'
>>> match.children[0].children['host'].error
"The host u'example.net' does not match u'example.com' expected by the rule"

Now you have an idea of the matching process, let’s look at the generating process.

Understanding the Generating Process

Once you have an appropriate ruleset your application’s URLs are effectively just dictionaries of variables. Wouldn’t it be useful if you could use those same variables to generate URLs as well as just match them?

Well you can. If a human had to convert the variables into a URL they’d look at each rule in turn and see if all the variables were used in that rule. URLConvert can do exactly the same thing so that when given a dictionary of variables it can generate a URL which when matched will result in the same set of variables.

Suddenly the problems of URL management in your application disappear. Your URLs are cleanly separated from your application code which means that to restructure your URLs you simply need to re-write the rules, not the application.

Of course, there is a lot to learn to use URLConvert properly so let’s get cracking.

Here’s an example using the same ruleset:

>>> from urlconvert import build_url
>>> for vars in [
...     {u'hi': u'james'},
...     {u'bye': u'fred'},
... ]:
...     generation = ruleset.generate(vars)
...     if generation.successful:
...         print "Success: %r" % build_url(** generation.result)
...     else:
...         print "Failed: %s" % generation.error
Success: u'http://example.com/james'
Failed: No rule matched

Notice that the second attempt fails because there is no rule for handling a variable bye. Again, you can access the errors from the child conversion as generation.children.

URLs, Servers, Proxies and the Environment

Before we look at how URLConvert works it is worth spending some time understanding how the request URL is actually determined is in the context of a web application and what functionality of URLs is actually useful.

First of all a URL is any string which matches the definition in RFC 1738. URLs can have the following components:

  • scheme - URL scheme specifier
  • netloc - Network location part (whether representing a host or IP address) including the port
  • path - Hierarchical path
  • params - Parameters for last path element
  • query - Query component
  • fragment

These corresponds to the general structure of a URL: scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment and are the items you would get if you used the Python urlparse module to split up a URL.

In reality the params portion of a URL are virtually never used and in fact the term “params” usually refers to components of the query part so we will ignore them. The fragment part is also of little use because it is never submitted to the server, it is only used client side to mark particular anchors in the HTML so params and fragment are totally ignored by URLConvert.

Another part which can usually be ignored is the query part. If you’ve worked with tools which don’t have a URL conversion tool you might have used the query string to store information about the state of the appliction but when you are using URLConvert you can convert the URL to a dictionary of variables anyway so there is no need to use the query string. For form submissions you should use the POST method which sends data as part of the HTTP request rather than as part of the URL. Although URLConvert supports the query string, you don’t need it.

That leaves the just the following parts:

  • scheme
  • netloc
  • path

For the purposes of web development the port and the host are very important so URLConvert treats them as separate parts of the URL instead of lumping them together as the netloc. Another problem web developers face is that different server administrators might deploy the same application at different paths. For example one might put it at /app and the other at /internal/app. The convention for dealing with this is to treat the path in two parts: a script name and path info. This means URLConvert actually deals with these parts of a URL:

  • scheme - the scheme (http or https)
  • host - the host or IP address part of the URL
  • port - the port on which the server is running
  • script - the part of the path which depends on where the administrator deploys the app
  • path - the part of the path after the script name
  • query - the query string part of a URL after the ? (not really needed)

Unfortunately the complication doesn’t end there. Web developers don’t actually get access to the URL the user entered into their browser, instead the server exposes certain key variables via the enviornment and it is up to the developer (or a web framework or library) to piece together the parts.

Here are the main keys in the environ dictionary which are relevant to URLs. These variables can be used to work out what the URL the user entered actually was:

Whether the browser is using HTTP or HTTPS to contact the server
The full host and domain name or IP address on which the server believes it is running
The port on which the server believes it is running
The part of the URL which is dependant on how the app is deployed. It occurs after the domain name and before the PATH_INFO.
The part of the URL after the SCRIPT_NAME
The part of a URL after the ?

From these variables you might think it possible to piece together the URL the user entered but things are a little more tricky than that. For a start there might be many different domain names which resolve to the same server; just because the server things it is running at example.com doesn’t mean the URL the user entered was example.com. Web browsers set the host the user enterd as the Host HTTP header which is added to the environ dictionary as the HTTP_HOST key:

The full host and domain name the web browser sent in its Host header to let the server know which host and domain it thought it was accessing. Note; you shouldn’t necessarily trust this because a malicious user could send an incorrect HTTP header.

Another problem is that the person deploying the app might have set up a proxy server between the browser and the application in which case HTTP_HOST will be from the proxy, not the user and the port the server runs on might not be the same as the port the proxy runs on. In such cases the proxy should be configured to set some extra HTTP headers which can be accessed via these variables:

A defacto standard for specifying the host and domain name of all the proxies through which the request passed before it reached the server as well as the original host.
Totally unoffical convention some software uses to specify the ports on each of the proxies through which the request passed before it reached the server. The reason this isn’t used much in reality is that the original port will almost always be 80 or 443 which you can tell from the scheme so you don’t normally need the client to tell you it.

As you can see, there are a lot of variables which affect the URL so rather than making a guess and risking getting it wrong the URLConvert libraries actually don’t deal with URLs at all, they deal with scheme, host, port, script, path and query (collectively called the URL parts) and leave you to specify which environment variable should be used for each part.

Of course if you want URLConvert to make a best guess it will. Here are some examples:

>>> from urlconvert import extract_scheme, extract_host, extract_port, extract_script, extract_path, extract_query

Let’s set up a sample environment to demonstrate these functions

>>> environ = {
...     'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
...     'SERVER_NAME': 'example.com',
...     'SERVER_PORT': '80',
...     'PATH_INFO': '/admin/view',
...     'SCRIPT_NAME': '/run.py',
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'name=james',
... }

The URL helpers all work in the basis that you are using a flow object (from the Flows framework, just a dictionary of services) so if you are not you need to create one and attach the environment for the helpers to work correctly:

>>> from bn import AttributeDict
>>> flow = AttributeDict(http=(AttributeDict(environ=environ)))

Now let’s give them a go:

>>> scheme = extract_scheme(flow)
>>> host = extract_host(flow)
>>> port = extract_port(flow)
>>> script = extract_script(flow)
>>> path = extract_path(flow)
>>> query = extract_query(flow)
>>> scheme, host, port, script, path, query
(u'http', u'example.com', u'80', u'run.py', u'admin/view', u'name=james')

Notice the script and path don’t start with a / even though the variables they are obtained from do. This is for three reasons:

  • The WSGI spec requires that SCRIPT_NAME does not end in / which means that PATH_INFO always will. The only confusion is around the case where the root URL is served because the SCRIPT_NAME in that case is '' which is the same as the script value you’d get if you were serving a URL of //. Since URLConvert doesn’t support script or path components with multiple / characters anyway this is not a problem.
  • It is very easy to re-build URLS now becasue a / character can always be inserted between the script and the path
  • It means that the variables make sense when they are written in rules because the / that appear in the rules don’t end up in the variables after they are parsed.

There is also a helper for building a URL from all the URL parts

>>> from urlconvert import build_url
>>> build_url(scheme, host, port, script, path, query)

If you just want to build the URL directly from the flow object in one step you can use extract_url() like this. Note that by default, extract_url() ignores the port, script name and query string by default so that the the URL is in the correct form to be parsed for use in URL matching. You want the script name ignored so that your rules will work with any script name and are independant of how an administrator deploys your application, you don’t usually match on the qurey string so this can be removed too and if the scheme is http and the port is 80, or the scheme is https and the port is 443, the port doesn’t need to be displayed.

>>> from urlconvert import extract_url
>>> extract_url(flow)

See the API documentation for each of the extraction helpers to find out the rules they follow.

Encoding and Decoding

Another potential pitfall is that there are lots of different ways of writing the same URL. For example these three URIs are technically equivalent (although the last format is of very little use).


It is important that your application only uses one URL for each page it is serving so you only need to write rules once, not one for every type of string which represents the same URL.

URLConvert has tools to convert URLs to a standard internal format which is as follows:

  • Everything in Unicode
  • The scheme and port present, even if they can be calculated from one another
  • All script, path and query escapes fully decoded to Unicode characters

It is this format in which URLs are used by URLConvert, but how do you get URLs to and from this format?

Well here’s the process for matching:

  1. Get all the URL parts from the environment
  2. Decode each of the strings from the format they are stored in the environment (probably UTF-8???) to a Unicode string
  3. Run validators to ensure all the parts are valid
  4. Decode escapes from all parts which might have them: the script, path and query
  5. Pass the parts to URLConvert for matching against the rules

Here’s the process for generating:

  1. Get the URL parts returned from URLConvert after it has generated
  2. Encode them all to the output format eg UTF8 (Yes: this happens before the escaping!)
  3. Encode the non-ascii characters using an escape sequence and return an ASCII string
  4. Run the validators
  5. Return the data to the template where it might get encoded to UTF-8 or some other encoding to be rendered

There are quite a lot of steps there and lots of URLConversion tools skip over the steps which is fine 99.9% of the time.

Here are some sample encoders and decoders for the URL parts:

Let’s import some objects we need from ConversionKit:

>>> from conversionkit import Conversion, chainConverters

Now here are some sample encoders and decoders for the URL parts. Each of the decoders and matchers above can also take arguments to affect their behaviour and to allow you to customise the way they work.

>>> from urlconvert import plainDecode, matchScheme, matchHost, matchPort, matchScript, matchPath, matchQuery, decodeScript, decodePath, decodeQuery, makeUnicode
>>> decode_scheme = chainConverters(makeUnicode(), matchScheme(), plainDecode('utf8'))
>>> decode_host = chainConverters(makeUnicode(), matchHost(), plainDecode('utf8'))
>>> decode_port = chainConverters(makeUnicode(), matchPort(), plainDecode('utf8'))
>>> decode_script = chainConverters(makeUnicode(), matchScript(), decodeScript('utf8'))
>>> decode_path = chainConverters(makeUnicode(), matchPath(), decodePath('utf8'))
>>> decode_query = chainConverters(makeUnicode(), matchQuery(), decodeQuery('utf8'))

Notice that the decoders for script, path and query have an extra converter to decode the escape sequences starting with a %.

Here is an example:

>>> Conversion(u'%7Esmith').perform(decode_path).result

The definitions above are actually what the extract_*() functions use if you don’t specify the converter you want to use. You can import them like this:

>>> from urlconvert import decode_scheme, decode_host, decode_port, decode_script, decode_path, decode_query

The encoding side is similar:

>>> from urlconvert import plainEncode, encodeScript, encodePath, encodeQuery
>>> encode_scheme = matchScheme()
>>> encode_host = matchHost()
>>> encode_port = matchPort()
>>> encode_script = chainConverters(matchScript(), encodeScript())
>>> encode_path = chainConverters(matchPath(), encodePath('utf8'))
>>> encode_query = chainConverters(matchQuery(), encodeQuery())

Here’s an example:

>>> Conversion(u'~smith').perform(encode_path).result

Putting this alltogether you can do this:

>>> hoge = u'\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8'
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/'+hoge),
... ])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/'+hoge).result
>>> Conversion(hoge).perform(encode_path).result
>>> Conversion(u'%E3%83%86%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88').perform(decode_path).result

As you can see, the idea is that all the % escapes are decoded out by the time you are matching a URL. Here’s the same thing using the information in the environ instead:

>>> from urlconvert import extract_url_parts
>>> environ = {
...     'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
...     'SERVER_NAME': 'example.com',
...     'SERVER_PORT': '80',
...     'PATH_INFO': '/%E3%83%86%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88',
...     'SCRIPT_NAME': '/run.py',
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'name=james',
... }
>>> flow = AttributeDict(http=(AttributeDict(environ=environ)))
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts=extract_url_parts(flow)).result

It also works with less extreme characters like the £ sign:

>>> pound = u'\xa3'
>>> Conversion(pound).perform(encode_path).result
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/'+pound+'?{query}'),
... ])
>>> from urlconvert import extract_url_parts
>>> environ = {
...     'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
...     'SERVER_NAME': 'example.com',
...     'SERVER_PORT': '80',
...     'PATH_INFO': '/%C2%A3',
...     'SCRIPT_NAME': '/run.py',
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'name=james+gardner+%C2%A3',
... }
>>> flow = AttributeDict(http=(AttributeDict(environ=environ)))
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts=extract_url_parts(flow)).result['query'] == u'name=james gardner '+pound

Splitting Rules and URLs

Internally, URLConvert uses tools to split URLs and rules. Here are some examples of how they work:

>>> from urlconvert import urlToParts, ruleToParts
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/path').perform(urlToParts()).result
{'path': u'path', 'host': u'host', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/path').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'{*}', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'path', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}

So far so good. As you can see the first / is always included in the path. When splitting a rule, the script and query get set to u'{*}' if they aren’t specified.

In our model, script never starts with a /, the path components never start with a / and there is no way to obtain the full path, only parts, no way to obtain the full domain either.

>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/script|path').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'script', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'path', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/{*}|path').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'{*}', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'path', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/script|{*}').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'script', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'{*}', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/{*}|{*}').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'{*}', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'{*}', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/{*}').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'{*}', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'{*}', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}

As an indication of how these are matched let’s test with some URLs:

>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/path').perform(urlToParts()).result
{'path': u'path', 'host': u'host', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> Conversion(u'scheme://host:port/path').perform(ruleToParts()).result
{'script': u'{*}', 'host': u'host', 'query': u'{*}', 'path': u'path', 'scheme': u'scheme', 'port': u'port'}
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'scheme://host:port/{path}')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'scheme://host:port/one').result
{u'path': u'one'}
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'scheme://host:port/{script}|{path}')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'scheme://host:port/', script=u'').error
'No rule matched'
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'scheme://host:port/one.cgi/', script=u'one.cgi').children[0].children['path'].error
"Path u'' not matched against u'{path}'"
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'scheme://host:port/one.cgi', script=u'one.cgi').children[0].children['path'].error
"Path u'' not matched against u'{path}'"
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'scheme://host:port/one.cgi', script=u'').children[0].children['script'].error
"Script u'' not matched against u'{script}'"
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'scheme://host:port/one.cgi/two', script=u'one.cgi').result
{u'path': u'two', u'script': u'one.cgi'}

See also this thread: http://osdir.com/ml/python.web/2007-01/msg00021.html

I think it’s safe to say that WSGI does not permit an application to live at a mount point with a trailing ‘/’, unless it is the root of the host. ... Given the weird effects that result from trying to manage relative names and other such complications of the idea, I don’t think we should extend WSGI to allow applications to live at non-root URLs with trailing slashes. They should live at the named location, and optionally get a PATH_INFO. It’s up to the application to interpret the trailing /, if any.

Matching In Detail

Now you’ve seen how to correctly extract URL parts from a URL and fully understand the encoding and decoding issues we can get back to URLConvert and to understanding how the rules work.

Matching from the environment

In most situations you won’t want to match a URL, but will instead want to match from the environment. You can use the extract_url_parts() function to get the information you need from the environment and perform the necessary decoding.


If you are using an encoding other than UTF-8 you will need to set up your own converters to pass as arguments to extract_url_parts().

Here’s the same example environ we will use:

>>> environ = {
...     'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
...     'SERVER_NAME': 'example.com',
...     'SERVER_PORT': '80',
...     'PATH_INFO': '/name',
...     'SCRIPT_NAME': '/run.py',
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'name=james',
... }

Here’s an example flow object which you might use:

>>> from bn import AttributeDict
>>> flow = AttributeDict(http=(AttributeDict(environ=environ)))

Let’s create a ruleset:

>>> from urlconvert import RuleSet, rule, extract_url_parts
>>> from conversionkit.exception import ConversionError
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'http://example.com:80/{hi}'),
...     rule(u'http://example.net:80/{hi}'),
... ])

Now let’s try to match the information in the environment against these rules:

>>> url_parts = extract_url_parts(flow)
>>> url_parts
{'script': u'run.py', 'host': u'example.com', 'query': u'name=james', 'path': u'name', 'scheme': u'http', 'port': u'80'}
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).result
{u'hi': u'name'}

As you can see, this example works too.

Wildcard Matching

So far the rules you’ve seen haven’t been very useful because they will only work if the application is deployed at example.com or example.net. If you are writing an application it is more likely you’ll want it to work at any domain. You have two choices in that case:

  • Automatically generate the rules based on the domain at which the application is deployed, perhaps from a config file
  • Use unnamed matching

In the first case you could write code like this:

>>> display_host = u'example.com'
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'http://'+display_host+u':80/{hi}'),
...     rule(u'http://'+display_host+u':80/{hi}'),
... ])
>>> url_parts
{'script': u'run.py', 'host': u'example.com', 'query': u'name=james', 'path': u'name', 'scheme': u'http', 'port': u'80'}
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).result
{u'hi': u'name'}

Now both rules would match for the example.com domain but the application would also work at other domains if the administrator deploying it set the flow.config.server.display_host option.

Although this works perfectly well it can be a bit cumbersome and is less well suited to more complex cases. Instead it is better to use unnamed matching to tell URLConvert that you don’t care about a particular part of the URL and any value should be matched.

Here’s the same example written with unnamed matching:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'http://{*}:80/{hi}'),
...     rule(u'http://{*}:80/{hi}'),
... ])

This time, any host or domain would work. Let’s check with the current domain then change the domain to example.org and try again:

>>> url_parts
{'script': u'run.py', 'host': u'example.com', 'query': u'name=james', 'path': u'name', 'scheme': u'http', 'port': u'80'}
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).result
{u'hi': u'name'}
>>> url_parts['host'] = u'example.org'
>>> url_parts
{'script': u'run.py', 'host': u'example.org', 'query': u'name=james', 'path': u'name', 'scheme': u'http', 'port': u'80'}
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).result
{u'hi': u'name'}

The new domain matches too. Notice that the URL parts must always be Unicode strings.

Wildcard Matching

If an unnamed variable is the only part of a domain, script or path, the whole part is matched (including any . or / characters. This probably isn’t what you expect but it is what you get!

Each of the parts of the URL can be marked as being a unnamed, just by replacing their entire content with {*}. As an example, here’s a fully specified rule which will match any URL (although it won’t return any variables because none are specified:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{*}')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://example.com/james').result
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://example.com/').result
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{}/|')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://example.com/', script=u'').result
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/one.cgi|')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://example.com/', script=u'one.cgi').result

Full Rules: Script name and query string

So far the format we’ve been using for the rules hasn’t allowed you to specify what should happen with the script name or query string. If you want to specify these you need to use the full form of a rule as demonstrated below. Notice that | is used as a delimiter between the script name and path info and the ? is used as a delimiter between the path info and query string.

>>> url_parts
{'script': u'run.py', 'host': u'example.org', 'query': u'name=james', 'path': u'name', 'scheme': u'http', 'port': u'80'}
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/run.py|{*}?name=var')])
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).children[0].children['query'].error
"The query u'name=james' does not match u'name=var' expected by the rule"
>>> url_parts['query'] = u'name=var'
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).result

For this rule to match the script name must be run.py and there must be a query string name=var. The scheme, host, port and path can be anything though. You can also have the script name and query string assigned to variables:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{script}|{*}?{query}')])
>>> ruleset.match(url_parts).result
{u'query': u'name=var', u'script': u'run.py'}

Here the script name would always be mapped to the variable script and the query string would always be mapped to query.

In reality it is very unlikely you’d want to match on the query string or path info so rather than writing out all rules in full, the short form is usually used. You can always specify a unnamed part for the script, query or both if you want to use the full form but don’t want them to contribute to the matching process:

Using the controller and action pattern

One common pattern employed by frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Pylons is to have your URL always result in two variables: one named action and one named controller. The action defines the name of a function or method to call to handle the URL and the controller defines what file it is in.

You can use this pattern with URLConvert too.

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{controller}/{action}')])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://example.com/account/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'}

Additional Variables

Sometimes you might want a particular URL to have a special meaning. For example it might be that the URL http://www.example.com/signin should also result in the signin() action of the account controller being called. If you think about how to you would write this using the rule syntax above you will realise that you can’t because there is only one path info component but that you need to assign two variables. For this reason URLConvert has a feature for adding variables if the rest of the rule matches. Here’s one way it could be handled:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{action}', add={u'controller': u'account'})])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'}

This rule would mean that any URL which had just one component in the path info would be treated as an action of the account controller. Effectively the action variable would be matched from the URL and the controller variable would be added from the dictionary specified so that the resulting dictionary of variables is the same and would therefore result in the same signin() action of the account controller being called.

Static Text

If you only wanted URLConvert to add the controller variable with a value of account for this URL, and not for others with just one path info component you would have to do something slightly differently. Rather than specifying the variable action in the URL you would add the static text signin and put the action variable in the add dictionary like this:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/signin', add={u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'})])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'}

Unlike the previous example, this URL would not match http://www.example.com/signout:

>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signout').error
'No rule matched'

Matching Subdomains

You can match subdomains just as easily as paths:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{*}://{subdomain}.example.com:{*}/{action}', add={u'controller': u'account'})])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account', u'subdomain': u'www'}

Matching on Scheme and Port

You can also match on scheme and port too. Unlike subdomains and paths though, you can’t mix and match static text and variables in these URL parts, you just choose one or the other.

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([rule(u'{scheme}://{subdomain}.example.com:{port}/{action}', add={u'controller': u'account'})])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'scheme': u'http', u'controller': u'account', u'subdomain': u'www', u'port': u'80'}

Here we’ve called the variables scheme and port but you could have called them something else too.

Rule Order

Your application could conceivably have quite a few rules. It is important you specify the rules with the most specific ones first, otherwise there is a chance that more specific rules won’t be matched because the more generic ones will be matched first. For example, consider this URL:


and these two rules:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{controller}', add={u'action': u'index'}),
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/signin', add={u'controller': u'account', u'action': u'signin'}),
... ])

In this situation you might intend for the URL to be matched by the second rule and result in the signin() action being called. Instead the first rule matches and signin is treated as the value for the controller variable.

>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'index', u'controller': u'signin'}

Instead specify them like this:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/signin', add={u'controller': u'account', u'action': u'signin'}),
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{controller}', add={u'action': u'index'}),
... ])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'}

Trailing Forward Slashes

Servers such as Apache and URL routing systems like Routes sometimes treat these as the same URL:


The trailing / at the end makes these completely different URLs so it is generally a bad idea to pretend they are the same. URLConvert is explicit about treating theses as different URLs. If you want both URLs to generate the same variables dictionary you need to add two rules, one for each URL:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/signin', add={u'controller': u'account', u'action': u'signin'}),
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/signin/', add={u'controller': u'account', u'action': u'signin'}),
... ])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'}
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin/').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account'}

A little more typing early on will make things much simpler later.

Duplicate Variables

One thing you can’t do is have a variable which is specified in the URL also specified in the add dictionary. If you think about it this wouldn’t make sense because URLConvert wouldn’t know which to use. You can’t therefore do this:

>>> rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/{controller}', add={u'controller': u'account'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
URLConvertError: The 'add' dictionary cannot contain the same key u'controller' as a routing variable defined in the rule

You can however specify the same name twice in the same rule. Doing so means that the variable must take the same value in both places for the rule to match. For example, the following rule:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{subdomain}.{}.{}:{*}/{subdomain}', add={u'controller': u'account', u'action': u'signin'}),
... ])

Would match for these URLs:

>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/www').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account', u'subdomain': u'www'}
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://signin.example.com/signin').result
{u'action': u'signin', u'controller': u'account', u'subdomain': u'signin'}

But not for this URL:

>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/signin').error
'No rule matched'

That’s really all there is to know about URL matching. Everything is very simple and very explicit. Now let’s look at URL generation.

Generating URLs

If you pass the same variables obtained from matching, back to the rule that matched them you’ll get back a URL will match the rule again. That’s the idea behind the generation side of URLConvert.

URLConvert can’t automatically generate URLs for rules which have either wildcard or unnamed parts when they match because the rule doesn’t contain any information about what to add in. In these circumstances you need to supply a dictionary of URL parts to use as defaults. These can either be based on the current URL, or from config file settings or elsewhere.

Here’s an example:

>>> from urlconvert import build_url
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/blog/{year}/{month}/{day}', add={u'controller': u'blog', u'action': u'view'}),
... ])
>>> vars = {u'action': u'view', u'controller': u'blog', u'year': u'2009', u'day': u'18', u'month': u'08'}
>>> ruleset.generate_url(vars, default_url_parts=dict(scheme=u'http', host='example.com', port=u'80'))

Here’s an example which also matched part of the domain:

>>> from urlconvert import build_url
>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://example.{tld}:{*}/blog/{year}/{month}/{day}', add={u'controller': u'blog', u'action': u'view'}),
... ])
>>> vars = {u'action': u'view', u'controller': u'blog', u'year': u'2009', u'day': u'18', u'month': u'08', 'tld': u'net'}
>>> ruleset.generate_url(vars, default_url_parts=dict(scheme=u'http', host='example.com', port=u'80'))

Notice that this time, the default host part wasn’t needed because all the information could be determined from the rule and the vars. As a result, the host and domain is example.net, not example.com.

Extending URLConvert

URLConvert is specifically desgined to be predictable. That means it always provides detailed error structures you can inspect to see why rules didn’t match and it avoids fancy features in favour of forcing you to be slightly more verbose. Since it is predictable, matching and generation can be cached which means it is very fast in practice for all but the uncommon URL cases.

It also avoids any filtering or matching so all routing variables are always Unicode strings. If you want to do more specific conversions you can pass the routing variables through a normal ConversionKit converter. Since the rule() function simply returns two normal ConversionKit converters you can either chain them with your new converter or write your own completely. Let’s start by chaining the rules with another converter. Here’s the classic blog example:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/blog/{year}/{month}/{day}', add={u'controller': u'blog', u'action': u'view'}),
... ])
>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/blog/2009/08/18').result
{u'action': u'view', u'controller': u'blog', u'year': u'2009', u'day': u'18', u'month': u'08'}

At the moment this would also match this, which isn’t a valid URL:

>>> ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/blog/not/valid/url').result
{u'action': u'view', u'controller': u'blog', u'year': u'not', u'day': u'url', u'month': u'valid'}

Other frameworks solve this with regular expressions or with their own DSL (domain specific languages) but at this point I think it is easier and more predictable to drop into Python code.

Let’s modify the rule:

>>> from stringconvert import toUnicode, unicodeToInteger
>>> from conversionkit import chainConverters, toDictionary, noConversion
>>> r = rule(u'{*}://{*}:{*}/blog/{year}/{month}/{day}', add={u'controller': u'blog', u'action': u'view'})
>>> new_to_vars = chainConverters(
...     r.to_vars,
...     toDictionary(
...         converters = dict(
...             year = unicodeToInteger(min=2000, max=2100),
...             month = unicodeToInteger(min=1, max=12),
...             day = unicodeToInteger(min=1, max=31),
...         ),
...         # Leave the other routing variables in there:
...         filter_extra_fields = False
...     ),
... )
>>> new_to_url = chainConverters(
...     toDictionary(
...         converters = dict(
...             # We don't want to do anything with the 'current' dictionary
...             current = noConversion(),
...             vars = toDictionary(
...                 converters = dict(
...                     year = chainConverters(toUnicode(), unicodeToInteger(min=2000, max=2100), toUnicode()),
...                     month = chainConverters(toUnicode(), unicodeToInteger(min=1, max=12), toUnicode()),
...                     day = chainConverters(toUnicode(), unicodeToInteger(min=1, max=31), toUnicode()),
...                 ),
...                 # Leave the other routing variables in there:
...                 filter_extra_fields = False
...             ),
...         ),
...     ),
...     r.to_url,
... )

Let’s create a new ruleset using the new converters for matching and generating:

>>> ruleset = RuleSet([
...     AttributeDict(to_vars=new_to_vars, to_url=new_to_url),
... ])
>>> vars = ruleset.match_url(u'http://www.example.com/blog/2009/08/18').result
>>> vars
{u'action': u'view', u'controller': u'blog', u'month': 8, u'day': 18, u'year': 2009}
>>> ruleset.generate_url(vars, dict(host=u'www.example.com', scheme=u'http', port=u'80'))
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