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StringConvert v0.3.0 documentation

StringConvert Manual

StringConvert is a package which provides ConversionKit converters to convert strings to common Python types.

Understanding Unicode

Any application you are working with should deal with Unicode strings internally. You should never work with ordinary Python strings because as soon as someone enters a non-ASCII character in your application it is likely to break in an unpredictable way because ordinary 8-bit Python strings can’t handle these characters.

Best practice is to always decode strings to Unicode objects from whatever encoding they are in (often UTF-8) as soon as they enter your application. You then work with Unicode throughout your application and then encode the Unicode back to whatever is needed (again often UTF-8) as the string leaves your application.

To help you use this best practice approach, most of StringConvert converters expect Unicode objects and will raise an exception if you pass them ordinary 8-bit Python strings.

If you want to convert a Python string you need to do it in two parts. First convert the 8-bit string to a Unicode object and then convert the Unicode object to whatever else you need.

Here’s an example showing the conversion raising an exception when performed with a string, working with a Unicode string and then working with a normal string again when used with the stringToUnicode() converter.

>>> from stringconvert import stringToUnicode, unicodeToInteger
>>> from conversionkit import Conversion, chainConverters
>>> Conversion('3').perform(unicodeToInteger()).result
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
ConversionError: The value '3' is not a Unicode object
>>> Conversion(u'3').perform(unicodeToInteger()).result
>>> Conversion('3').perform(chainConverters(stringToUnicode(encoding='US-ASCII'), unicodeToInteger())).result

Core Types

Converting Strings to Booleans

StringConvert provides the unicodeToBool() converter for converting strings to True or False values.

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToBoolean
>>> from conversionkit import Conversion

Here are some examples:

>>> Conversion(u'yes').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'1').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'on').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'true').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'no').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'0').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'off').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u'false').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result

All arguments must be strings or you will get an error:

>>> Conversion(True).perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
ConversionError: The value True is not a Unicode object

The string argument are case-insensitive so this works too:

>>> Conversion(u'fAlSe').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result

You can also customise which strings are treated as true and which are treated as False by setting true_values and false_values.

>>> is_fruit = unicodeToBoolean(
...    true_values=[u'apple', u'pear'],
...    false_values=[u'potatoe', u'carrot'],
... )
>>> Conversion(u'pear').perform(is_fruit).result
>>> Conversion(u'potatoe').perform(is_fruit).result

This overrides the defaults of true_values=[u'yes', u'1', u'on', u'true'], false_values=[u'no', u'0', u'off', u'false']:

>>> Conversion(u'on').perform(is_fruit).result
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
ConversionError: Unrecognised option u'on' for a boolean

Converting Strings to Strings

It might sound a very strange thing to want to do but a string-to-string converter can enforce a minumum or maximum length to a string (or both).

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToUnicode
>>> Conversion(u'pear').perform(unicodeToUnicode()).result
>>> Conversion(u'pear').perform(unicodeToUnicode(min=6)).error
'The string must contain 6 characters or more'
>>> Conversion(u'pear').perform(unicodeToUnicode(max=2)).error
'The string must contain 2 characters or less'
>>> Conversion(u'pear').perform(unicodeToUnicode(min=2, max=6)).result


Remember that you can test whether or not a conversion is successful or not by accessing the conversion.successful attribute which is True if it was successful, False otherwise.

Converting Strings to Floats

Convert strings representing numbers to floats.

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToFloat
>>> Conversion(u'1.04').perform(unicodeToFloat()).result
>>> Conversion(u'1.04').perform(unicodeToFloat(min=6)).error
'The number must be greater than or equal to 6'
>>> Conversion(u'2.01').perform(unicodeToFloat(max=2)).error
'The number must be less than or equal to 2'
>>> Conversion(u'3.5').perform(unicodeToFloat(min=2, max=6)).result

You can also convert strings representing integers:

>>> result = Conversion(u'3').perform(unicodeToFloat(min=2, max=6)).result
>>> result
>>> type(result)
<type 'float'>

Converting Strings to Integers

Convert strings representing integers to integers, the API is the same as the API for converting strings to floats.

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToInteger
>>> result = Conversion(u'3').perform(unicodeToInteger(min=2, max=6)).result
>>> result
>>> type(result)
<type 'int'>

You can’t convert floats to integers though:

>>> Conversion(u'1.04').perform(unicodeToInteger()).result
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
ConversionError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1.04'

Converting Strings to Dates and Times

StringConvert provides unicodeToDatetime(), unicodeToTime() and unicodeToDate() converters.

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToDatetime, unicodeToTime, unicodeToDate

They all behave in the same way:

>>> Conversion(u'2009-07-15').perform(unicodeToDate()).result
datetime.date(2009, 7, 15)
>>> Conversion(u'2009-07-15 14:13').perform(unicodeToDatetime()).result
datetime.datetime(2009, 7, 15, 14, 13)
>>> Conversion(u'14:13').perform(unicodeToTime()).result
datetime.time(14, 13)


The unicodeToDatetime() converter is not spelled unicodeToDateTime() because a Datetime is a Python type and is spelled with a lowercase t.

Each of the converters also takes a single argument called format which specifies the format the of the input strings. You can use any of the format codes specified in the Python time module documentation. Here are some examples:

>>> # US format dates
>>> Conversion(u'07/15/2009').perform(unicodeToDate(format='%m/%d/%Y')).result
datetime.date(2009, 7, 15)
>>> # US format dates
>>> Conversion(u'15/07/2009').perform(unicodeToDate(format='%d/%m/%Y')).result
datetime.date(2009, 7, 15)


It is easy to get the codes for %m (month) and %M (minute) muddled up so the unicodeToDate() converter won’t let you specify %M since dates don’t contain minutes.

Regular Expressions

You can also have a converter which matches based on a regular expression:

>>> from stringconvert.regex import matchRegex

It is used like this:

>>> import re
>>> two_words = matchRegex(
...     '([A-Z]+) ([A-Z]+)',
...     options=[re.I],
...     msg_no_match="Please choose two words matching %(regex)s",
... )
>>> Conversion(u'The Car').perform(two_words).result
u'The Car'
>>> Conversion(u'The Fast Car').perform(two_words).error
'Please choose two words matching ([A-Z]+) ([A-Z]+)'

There are a few things to notice:

  • You can use the standard re module options listed at http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#module-contents to modify the behaviour of the regular expresion (here we used re.I to make it a case insensitive match)
  • You can customise the error message and include the original regular expression if you want (although this wouldn’t be very useful for user-facing messages)

You can also have the input stripped if you like:

>>> two_words_stripped = matchRegex(
...     '([A-Z]+) ([A-Z]+)',
...     strip=True,
...     options=[re.I],
...     msg_no_match="Please choose two words matching %(regex)s",
... )
>>> Conversion(u' The Car ').perform(two_words).error
'Please choose two words matching ([A-Z]+) ([A-Z]+)'
>>> Conversion(u' The Car ').perform(two_words_stripped).result
u'The Car'

Email Handling

Here are some tests for the unicodeToEmail() converter.

First some imports:

>>> from conversionkit import Conversion
>>> from stringconvert.email import unicodeToEmail

The examples below demonstrate the behaviour and errors without the domain resolution enabled:

>>> e = unicodeToEmail()
>>> Conversion(u' test@foo.com ').perform(e).result
>>> Conversion(u'test').perform(e).error
u'An email address must contain a @ character'
>>> Conversion(u'test@domain@com').perform(e).error
u'An email address must contain only one @ character'
>>> Conversion(u'test@foobar').perform(e).error
u'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: foobar)'
>>> Conversion(u'test@foobar.com.5').perform(e).error
u'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: foobar.com.5)'
>>> Conversion(u'test@foo..bar.com').perform(e).error
u'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: foo..bar.com)'
>>> Conversion(u'test@.foo.bar.com').perform(e).error
u'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: .foo.bar.com)'
>>> Conversion(u'nobody@xn--m7r7ml7t24h.com').perform(e).result
>>> Conversion(u'o*reilly@test.com').perform(e).result

Now let’s try with domain resolution. This will fail unless you have PyDNS installed.

>>> e = unicodeToEmail(resolve_domain=True)
>>> Conversion(u'doesnotexist@jimmyg.org').perform(e).result
>>> Conversion(u'test@thisdomaindoesnotexistithinkforsure.com').perform(e).error
u'The domain of the email address does not exist (the portion after the @: thisdomaindoesnotexistithinkforsure.com)'
>>> Conversion(u'test@google.com').perform(e).result


The examples above doesn’t work from my home computer because I believe my ISP might be doing something strange. If you can’t get a sensible result from the dig command, the DNS resolution above will not work even with PyDNS installed. Here’s the dig command failing on my machine:


$ dig google.com MX

; <<>> DiG 9.5.1-P2 <<>> google.com MX ;; global options: printcmd ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Here it is working when run on a real server:


james@ve2:~$ dig google.com MX

; <<>> DiG 9.5.1-P1 <<>> google.com MX ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 35418 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;; QUESTION SECTION: ;google.com. IN MX

;; ANSWER SECTION: google.com. 766 IN MX 100 smtp2.google.com. google.com. 766 IN MX 10 google.com.s9a2.psmtp.com. google.com. 766 IN MX 10 google.com.s9b1.psmtp.com. google.com. 766 IN MX 10 google.com.s9b2.psmtp.com. google.com. 766 IN MX 100 smtp1.google.com. google.com. 766 IN MX 10 google.com.s9a1.psmtp.com.

;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Wed Sep 30 11:40:06 2009 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 206

Lists of Email Addresses

StringConvert also comes with a tool which attempts to parse well-formed lists of email addresses separated by a ,, ; or end of line character. It will attempt to parse the firstname, lastname and organisation as well as the email itself. It doesn’t validate the individual email addresses and shouldn’t be considered 100% robust.

Here’s an example. First the imports:

>>> from conversionkit import Conversion
>>> from stringconvert.email import listOfEmails

Here’s our test string:

>>> email_list = u'James Gardner <james@example.com>; Richard Edward Jones < richard.e.jones@example.org>; kevin@example.net;'

Let’s extract the addresses:

>>> print Conversion(email_list).perform(listOfEmails()).result
[{'email': u'james@example.com', 'name': u'James Gardner'}, {'email': u'richard.e.jones@example.org', 'name': u'Richard Edward Jones'}, {'email': u'kevin@example.net', 'name': u'kevin'}]

Here’s an example, splitting the names into parts and guessing the organisation from the domain:

>>> print Conversion(email_list).perform(
...     listOfEmails(split_name=True, extract_organisation=True)
... ).result
[{'lastname': u'Gardner', 'organisation': u'Example', 'email': u'james@example.com', 'firstname': u'James', 'middlenames': u''}, {'lastname': u'Jones', 'organisation': u'Example', 'email': u'richard.e.jones@example.org', 'firstname': u'Richard', 'middlenames': u'Edward'}, {'lastname': u'', 'organisation': u'Example', 'email': u'kevin@example.net', 'firstname': u'Kevin', 'middlenames': u''}]

Stripping Input

The unicodeToBoolean(), unicodeToDate(), unicodeToDatetime(), unicodeToDate(), unicodeToEmail() functions take an optional strip argument which defaults to True and causes the conversion input to be stripped of leading and trailing whitespace. The matchRegex() has a similar strip argument but it defaults to False. unicodeToUnicode() doesn’t have a strip option and doesn’t strip input. unicodeToFloat() and unicodeToInteger() don’t have a strip argument but always strip input as this is the standard Python behaviour for such conversions:

>>> int(' 12 ')

Here is an example:

>>> Conversion(u' true ').perform(unicodeToBoolean()).result
>>> Conversion(u' true ').perform(unicodeToBoolean(strip=False)).result
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
ConversionError: Unrecognised option u' true ' for a boolean
James Gardner: Home > Work > Code > StringConvert > 0.3.0 > StringConvert Manual