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FormConvert v0.3.0 documentation


What is FormConvert?

  • A set of ConversionKit converters for converting Unicode strings received from a form submission into Python objects

FormConvert can deal with the following types of form components:

  • Form components which allow the user to input a single value per field name such as text fields, hidden fields and textareas
  • Form components which allow the user to select a single value per field name from a set of possilbe options. For example a select field or radio button group
  • Form components which allow the user to input zero or more values for a particular form field. For example multiple-value selects fields or checkbox groups.

FormConvert also contains tools to allow you to represent any data structure supported by the NestedRecords package. This allows you to represent extremely complex nested data structures (such as the ones you would naturally have to work with when using an SQL database) as HTML forms and have them seamlessly converted to Python data structures on submission.

FormConvert doesn’t care how the forms are generated, or even whether you are using an HTML form at all. It is really just a set of converters with a specific application to decoding data submitted over HTTP, but can be used in many other situations too. Many applications will install FormConvert just so they can re-use the ConversionKit converters it already defines.

In this documentation I’ll assume you are using FormConvert to handle HTML form submission. The examples will use FormBuild 2.0 to generate the HTML required but you could use any tool you preferred in your application.

Relationship to FormBuild

FormBuild is another tool I’ve written which let’s you take dictionaries of data and generate HTML fields and forms from them. Although FormBuild and FormConvert were designed completely independently they work very well together because FormBuild can take use the data structures FormConvert produces to produce HTML forms with that data correctly populated.

In this manual we’ll be using FormBuild to demonstrate the HTML-side of the process but you could easily use any other library instead.

Getting Started

Just so you can see the sorts of steps involved let’s go through a really trivial example.

To perform a conversion on a submitted form you use FormConvert which is based on ConversionKit. ConversionKit is very generic and not much use on its own. Instead packages such as FormConvert, URLConvert, ConfigConvert, RecordConvert and NestedRecord build on ConversionKit to provide useful functionality in a specific problem domain.

To perform a conversion with ConversionKit or any of the tools built upon it involves four steps:

  1. Create a Conversion object containing the value you wish to convert
  2. Perform a conversion with a converter
  3. Check if the conversion was successful
  4. Read the result from the conversion object’s .result attribute if it was successful or the error from its .error attribute if it was not.

FormConvert is also closely tied to the RecordConvert and NestedRecord packages and is set up assuming you want to work with NestedRecord data structures in your application. You’ll see this later.

To generate our HTML fields we need some software. Install FormBuild (a tool which works well with FormConvert to generate HTML forms). Your application might use a different form building package. That’s fine too, I just need one for the examples so that’s what I’ve chosen.

$ easy_install FormBuild>=2.0.1

Then let’s import some objects we need:

>>> from formbuild import Form
>>> from conversionkit import Conversion
>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToInteger
>>> from recordconvert import Record

Now let’s create an HTML field with the name age:

>>> form = Form()
>>> print form.text(name='age')
<input type="text" name="age" />

Imagine this form was submitted and you have to convert its value to a Python integer. The web framework you are using should provide some interface to decode the HTTP post data or query string and provide a dictionary of Unicode values, keyed by the field names. If it doesn’t you can use Python’s cgi module.

Now let’s set up the object as if it is really handling a GET form submission by setting up a fake environment with the QUERY_STRING set up as it would be in a real example:

>>> import cgi
>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'age=3',
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> fs['age'].value

Now let’s actually perform the conversion, this is where ConversionKit comes in:

>>> conversion = Conversion(unicode(fs['age'].value))
>>> conversion.perform(unicodeToInteger())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.result
>>> result = Record(age = conversion.result)
>>> print result
{'age': 3}

As you can see the conversion was successful and the result was a Python integer. We then assembled a record to represent the form data submitted.


Before you continue it is strongly recommended you read the all the ConversionKit documentation, particularly the manual.

If we wanted to populate the form with the new value you could do so like this:

>>> form = Form(value=result)
>>> print form.text(name='age')
<input type="text" name="age" value="3" />

Notice that the FormBuild Form is this time passed the result dictionary as its values argument. When a text input field is created with the age name, FormBuild correctly sets its value to 3.

How it could be more complex

In a more realistic example we’d need to be significantly more rigorous than this. We might need to:

  • Convert the FieldStorage object’s data structure to something more suitable
  • Decode a nested data structure which might include: * Remove fields we don’t need such as the .x and .y coordinates on an image submit button * Refactoring duplicate field names to better match our conventions
  • Convert all the fields together
  • Perform extra checks on fields, eg ensuring passwords match

Then to build a form from the result we might need to:

  • Convert all the values to Unicode strings
  • Encode the nested data structure to a flat dictionary for FormBuild to handle
  • Pass FormBuild any errors

One of the reasons form processing is often difficult is that it is often easy to skip some of these steps in certain cases but unless you learn a pattern that can handle all of them you’ll keep coming across situations you don’t know how to deal with.

You’ll see how to do each of these things as you work through the manual.

The Simple Cases

Now that you’ve seen how a conversion works when you convert each field manually and assemble the result into a record, let’s look at some more realistic cases.

Handling Complete Forms

FormConvert is designed to work on sets of fields. If you are just converting one field you don’t need FormConvert you can just follow the trivial example in the previous section.

If you had to convert each field manually each time, using FormConvert would barely be quicker than writing your conversion code from scratch. This is where records come in.

In the simplest case FormConvert assumes that the form you are creating is analogous to a row in a database table (although you don’t have to be using a relational database of course). One field name therefore corresponds to one column in the row. FormConvert also assumes that you want to use the NestedRecord data model in your application and are therefore happy to restrict the field names you are using to those which are also valid Python variable names and which do not start with an _ character.


The beauty of FormConvert is that it is based on ConversionKit which means it can be used with any converters and not just the ones from RecordConvert. If you don’t want to work with RecordConvert records, and would rather use simple Python dictionaries and lists you can use the ConversionKit toDictionary() and toListOf() conversion factories instead. You might want to do this if you are using FormConvert in a legacy application or if you are trying to replace existing FormEncode schema which don’t have the same restrictions.

Having said that, if you are writing an application from scratch it is strongly recommended you use RecordConvert to deal with forms because it deliberately limits the combinations of data structures you can work with to just the ones which can be represented direclty in an SQL database and this in turn prevents you designing forms which are more complex than they need to be which in turn simplifies your application code and makes it more re-usable and maintainable because there are fewer combinations of cases to deal with.

To convert a set of fields you need to use a toRecord() converter. This is just like the toDictionary() converter which is documented in detail in the ConversionKit manual but it imposes restrictions on the names which can make up the keys of the dictionary. Now would be a good time to read the RecordConvert documentation if you haven’t done so already.

Let’s convert a form with fields for both name and age. You’ll need to write a converter capable of converting both of these fields. Luckily toRecord() can generate such a converter for you if you tell it how you want each field converted. Here’s how you would create a suitable converter:

>>> from recordconvert import toRecord
>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToInteger, unicodeToUnicode
>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         name=unicodeToUnicode(min=3, max=30),
...         age=unicodeToInteger(),
...     )
... )

This creates a converter which will produce a Record object where the age field is an integer and the name field is a string with between 3 and 30 characters.


Because we are using records, all the field names have to be valid Python names which means it is safe to use dict() rather than {} to generate a dictionary for the converters argument because the keys won’t contain values which can’t be passed as Python arguments.

We can create an HTML form for this data with FormBuild like this:

>>> form = Form()
>>> fields = [form.text(name='age'), form.text(name='name')]
>>> initial_html = u'\n'.join(fields)
>>> print initial_html
<input type="text" name="age" />
<input type="text" name="name" />

Here’s a typical form submission from this form:

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'age=28&name=James',
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)

The form_converter converter you’ve just created will expect a dictionary as the conversion’s value, not a cgi.FieldStorage object so you need to use FormConvert’s multiDictToDict() converter to extract all the parameters to a more suitable structure. The multiDictToDict() converter also decodes parameters to Unicode objects if they aren’t already Unicode. You can specify the encoding to use for this, 'utf8' is usually fine and by the nature of UTF-8 will also decode ordinary 8-bit Python strings as well as Latin 1 and ASCII character sets:

>>> from formconvert import multiDictToDict
>>> conversion = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf8'))
>>> conversion.successful
>>> params = conversion.result
>>> params
{'age': u'28', 'name': u'James'}

Now we can perform the conversion:

>>> conversion = Conversion(params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.result
{u'age': 28, u'name': u'James'}

Notice that the age field has been converted to an integer and the name field remains a string.


multiDictToDict() will also work with a WebOb Request object such as the pylons.request object used in Pylons and TurboGears.

Because the result is actually a Record object you can access the keys as attributes:

>>> person = conversion.result
>>> person.name

You can generate a suitable form to redisplay this data like this (although in a real example you might prefer to write another converter to convert the person object back to a plain dictionary containing unicode strings as values before passing it to FormBuild):

>>> form = Form(value=person)
>>> fields = [form.text(name='age'), form.text(name='name')]
>>> initial_html = u'\n'.join(fields)
>>> print initial_html
<input type="text" name="age" value="28" />
<input type="text" name="name" value="James" />

Handling Empty Fields

If you have a field such as an HTML text input field and the user doesn’t enter a value, the browser will still submit the field but without a value. Most libraries will then represent this as an empty string (u''). To handle this in your conversion code you can either set a default value for the field or set an error message so that the user knows they were supposed to enter a value.

You can set an error message for an empty field using the empty_errors argument to the toRecord() converter. For example, if the name is not allowed to be empty you could set up the converter like this:

>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         name=unicodeToUnicode(min=3, max=30),
...         age=unicodeToInteger(),
...     ),
...     empty_errors = dict(
...         name = u'Please specify your name',
...     ),
... )

Let’s test it:

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'age=28&name=',
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> conversion = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8'))
>>> conversion.successful
>>> params = conversion.result
>>> params
{'age': u'28', 'name': u''}
>>> conversion = Conversion(params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.error
u'The name field is invalid'
>>> conversion.children
{u'age': <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>, u'name': <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>}
>>> conversion.children['name'].error
u'Please specify your name'

The toRecord() converter has a empty_defaults argument which allows you to specify default values for empty fields in a similar way. See the RecordConvert documentation on toRecord() for details.

Handling Missing Fields (Checkboxes)

Checkboxes submit no values if they aren’t checked and multi-valued select dropdowns submit no value if no values are selected. It turns out that multi-valued select dropdowns are best handled as nested data as you’ll see later. As you’ll also see later you should treat a checkbox group (multiple checkboxes with the same name in the same form) in the same way as multi-valued select boxes so we won’t consider these here. That just leaves the case of a single checkbox input field. Let’s look at that.

Checkboxes are useful for yes/no answers such as people agreeing to terms and conditions. Anything more complex like gender is best handled by either a radio-group or a single select dropdown with the values Male and Female, asking “Male? (True or False)” with a checkbox might be regarded as rude.

You therefore often end up wanting to handle the checkbox in code as a boolean value. The best way to do this is to give the checkbox a value of 'yes' and then use a unicodeToBoolean() converter to convert it to a True value if the field is ticked and submitted. If the field isn’t ticked, it won’t be submitted and will be missing. You can handle this case by using the toDictionary() converter’s missing_defaults argument to set a value of False if the field is missing.

Let’s imagine a form with a checkbox input field named agree which we want to handle in code as a True value if it is ticked, and a False value otherwise.

Here’s the HTML:

>>> form = Form()
>>> print form.checkbox(name='agree', value='yes')
<input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="yes" />


Checkboxes can behave differently from other FormBuild fields. If you don’t specify a value argument to form.checkbox() the field will take the value from the values passed to the Form constructor but it won’t be able to tell whether the checkbox should be ticked or not, leaving it up to you to explictly set the checked argument to determine whether or not the checkbox should be ticked.

This isn’t very satisfactory so the second mode of operation is to allow a value argument to be set explicitly. In this case if the value for the field in the values dictionary passed to the Form constructor matches the value argument to form.checkbox() the field will be checked.

As you’ve seen though, it is handy to think of checkboxes in terms of True and False values so as a further possibility, if you explicitly set the value argument to form.checkbox() and the value for the field in the values dictionary passed to Form is True, the field will be checked. This is the technique we are using here.

Here’s the converter:

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToBoolean
>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         agree = unicodeToBoolean()
...     ),
...     missing_defaults = dict(
...         agree = False,
...     ),
... )

Let’s test it in the case a user ticks the box:

>>> agree_ticked_fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'agree=yes',
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=agree_ticked_fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.result
{u'agree': True}

Here’s the HTML generated when you re-use this data in a form, notice that the checkbox is checked:

>>> conversion.value
{'agree': u'yes'}
>>> conversion.result
{u'agree': True}
>>> form = Form(
...     value=conversion.result,
...     checked={'agree': conversion.result['agree']},
... )
>>> print form.checkbox(name='agree', value='yes')
<input checked="checked" type="checkbox" name="agree" value="yes" />


The value for agree set in the Form() constructor is ignored. It is the value set in form.checkbox() which is actually used.

Now the case where the user doesn’t tick the checkbox:

>>> agree_not_ticked_fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': '',
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=agree_not_ticked_fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.result
{u'agree': False}

As you can see we get the results we want. This time when the form is generated the checkbox is unticked:

>>> conversion.value
>>> conversion.result
{u'agree': False}
>>> form = Form(
...     value=conversion.result,
...     checked={'agree': conversion.result['agree']},
... )
>>> print form.checkbox(name='agree', value='yes')
<input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="yes" />

Notice that this time the box is not ticked.


If you are using a checkbox in a form, you should ensure that other fields do not share the same name otherwise the approach above will not work correctly.

Select Dropdowns and Radio Button Groups (Enums)

Form fields such as select dropdowns or radio groups allow a user to pick one value from a set of possible values. Your converter needs to ensure that the value submitted is one of the allowed values. You can do this with a oneOf() converter from ConversionKit:

>>> from conversionkit import oneOf

Here’s an example, first the form:

>>> form = Form(
...     option={
...         'eye_colour': [
...             ('blue', 'Blue'),
...             ('brown', 'Brown'),
...             ('green', 'Green'),
...         ]
...     }
... )
>>> print form.radio_group(name='eye_colour')
<input type="radio" name="eye_colour" value="blue" /> Blue
<input type="radio" name="eye_colour" value="brown" /> Brown
<input type="radio" name="eye_colour" value="green" /> Green

Now an example request which submitting this form might produce:

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'eye_colour=blue',
... }

Let’s write a converter:

>>> from stringconvert import unicodeToBoolean
>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         eye_colour = oneOf(['blue', 'brown', 'green'])
...     ),
... )

Now let’s try it:

>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.result
{u'eye_colour': u'blue'}

Here’s the form re-generated from the result:

>>> form = Form(
...     value = conversion.result,
...     option={
...         'eye_colour': [
...             ('blue', 'Blue'),
...             ('brown', 'Brown'),
...             ('green', 'Green'),
...         ]
...     }
... )
>>> print form.radio_group(name='eye_colour')
<input type="radio" name="eye_colour" value="blue" checked="checked" /> Blue
<input type="radio" name="eye_colour" value="brown" /> Brown
<input type="radio" name="eye_colour" value="green" /> Green

If the use had submitted the value ‘grey’ the conversion would fail and you would get an error:

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'eye_colour=grey',
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> conversion.error
'The eye_colour field is invalid'
>>> conversion.children['eye_colour'].error
'The value submitted is not one of the allowed values'

Handling Nested Structures

Not all forms are made from simple field types all representing a single dictionary of data. Real examples are much more complicated and yet very few form conversion tools deal with the full complexities of the cases you are likely to meet. Hopefully FormConvert will though.

Before we go into the code let’s have a quick recap of RecordConvert and NestedRecord to put the later examples in context.

Quick Recap of RecordConvert and NestedRecord

RecordConvert defines two classes: Record(), which behaves like a Python dictionary but supports attribute access to the values and places restricitons on the names you can use as keys, and ListOfRecords() which behaves like a Python lists but proxies attribute access to the first item in the list. The idea is that you model all internal data strucutres using only records and lists of records, no records with records as keys, no lists which don’t contain records and no lists which contain different types of records. Although this appears to make certain types of problem much harder, once you get used to writing the converters it actually makes everything tremendously simple.

In the NestedRecord data model there are no such thing as single values or lists of single values. The simplest object is a record and the simplest record is one with one key and one value:

{key: value}

The simplest list is an empty list:


but after that all keys must be records. This means the next simplest list looks like this:

[{key: value}]

Records can have lists of records as their values so you can have data structures like this:

[{key: [{key: value}]}]

You can’t have any other data structure. No dictionaries with dictionaries for keys for example.

NestedRecord provides a way to represent the nested data structures of dictionaries and lists of dictionaries as a flattened data structure by using a convention on the key names. It turns out this convention is very useful when representing data as HTML forms because the HTTP protocol only supports key-value pairs of data.

Here’s an example with three levels of depth:

>>> from nestedrecord import encode
>>> example_data = {
...     'one': [
...          {
...              'two': [
...                  {
...                      'three': 'a'
...                  }
...              ],
...              'four': [
...                  {
...                      'five': 'b'
...                  },
...                  {
...                      'six': 'c'
...                  },
...              ]
...          }
...     ],
...     'seven': 'd',
... }
>>> encoded_data = encode(example_data)
>>> print encoded_data
{'one[0].two[0].three': 'a', 'seven': 'd', 'one[0].four[0].five': 'b', 'one[0].four[1].six': 'c'}

As you can see the complex nested data structure has been flattened in a dictionary. The values 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' could now be represented in an HTML form by three fields with names that match the corresponding key in the dictionary above.

When the form is submitted the data can then be automatically converted back to the correct data structure without any work from you.

Let’s decode the data:

>>> from nestedrecord import decode
>>> print encoded_data
{'one[0].two[0].three': 'a', 'seven': 'd', 'one[0].four[0].five': 'b', 'one[0].four[1].six': 'c'}
>>> decoded_data = decode(encoded_data)
>>> print decoded_data
{'seven': 'd', 'one': [{'four': [{'five': 'b'}, {'six': 'c'}], 'two': [{'three': 'a'}]}]}
>>> decoded_data == example_data

As you can see the decoded version of the encoded original example data is the same as the original example data as you’d expect.

Unfortunately there are a few edge cases where using a “pure” NestedRecord structure like this doesn’t work. In these cases FormConvert steps in to perform the necessary conversions. In this manual you’ll learn what the edge cases are and how to use FormConvert to solve them.

If you aren’t committed to use a NestedRecord data structure as the model for your application, FormConvert is unlikely to be a great deal of use to you though.

Relational Data Structures

FormConvert and the NestedRecord data structure model the sorts of relationships you get when working with SQL relational databases. This means that even if you aren’t using an SQL back-end you’ll need to understand the relationships different objects can have in order to decide how to best handle forms representing those relationships.

Let’s imagine we have the following tables:

Stores sign in information


Holds information about the user:


Stores the person’s address(es):


There are three ways rows in one table can be related to rows in another:

  1. They both represent the same thing in the real world
  2. A row from one table is related to many rows from another table
  3. One or more rows from one table can be related to one or more rows from another

Each of these cases needs dealing with by an application in different ways. The terminology for each of these cases in order is:

  1. One to one relationship
  2. One to many relationship
  3. Many to many relationship

It is also to have a row that isn’t related to anything else at all but this case is easy to handle because it just represents a single dictionary of data so you can treat it in the same way as the examples in the previous section.

One-to-Many Relationships

One to many relationships are when one thing is related to zero or more instances of another thing. For example a person can have no address (homeless), one address or many addresses. This is an example of a one to many mapping.

In NestedRecord, one to many mappings are represented as follows. The thing on the one side of the mapping, in this case a person, is represented by a Record. The zero or more instances of the thing on the many side are represented as a list of records. Here’s an example:

>>> from recordconvert import Record, ListOfRecords
>>> person = Record(
...     person_id = 1,
...     firstname = 'James',
...     lastname = 'Gardner',
...     age = 28,
...     address = ListOfRecords(
...         [
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 1,
...                 number = 12,
...                 street = 'Long Avenue',
...                 city = 'Oxford',
...             ),
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 2,
...                 number = 5,
...                 street = 'Shop Street',
...                 city = 'London',
...             ),
...         ]
...     )
... )

In this case the person has two addresses.

If your HTML interface only ever let’s a user modify the core person information or one of the addresses at once you can treat this situation the same way as all the examples in the previous chapter because each of the things you are displaying can be easily represented as a single dictionary.

There are two approaches to displaying the address data alongside the person fields:

  • As a data grid
  • As a checkbox group

When using a data grid, all the address information for each of the person’s addresses is displayed in fields for them to edit.

When using a checkbox group the IDs of all the addresses are displayed (or some other identifying property) and the user can tick which addresses are theres. In this case the boxes for 1 and 2 would be ticked but all the others (imagine there are also addresses 3, 4 and 5 in the system) would be unticked.

Let’s look at each case, starting with the data grid.

Based on a data grid (or repeating fieldsets)

There are cases where you’d like a user to be able to edit all this information at the same time, possibly even adding or removing addresses as they go. To do this you need a slightly more sophisticated approach. Each field will need its own name so you can use NestedRecord to flatten the data structure:

>>> from nestedrecord import encode
>>> encoded_person = encode(person)
>>> print encoded_person
{'address[1].address_id': 2, 'address[0].address_id': 1, 'firstname': 'James', 'lastname': 'Gardner', 'age': 28, 'address[0].street': 'Long Avenue', 'address[1].city': 'London', 'address[0].number': 12, 'person_id': 1, 'address[1].number': 5, 'address[0].city': 'Oxford', 'address[1].street': 'Shop Street'}

We can use the encoded person as the values argument to a FormBuild Form but because there could be a varying number of addresses for each person the form generation will need to create different numbers of sets of address fields for displaying different people. For handling this it is easiest to use the original person object and encode each address as you use it:

>>> from bn import HTMLFragment
>>> form = Form(value=encoded_person)
>>> fragment = HTMLFragment()
>>> fragment.safe(form.hidden(name='person_id')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='firstname')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='lastname')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='age')+'\n')
>>> counter = 0
>>> for address in person.address:
...     fragment.safe(form.hidden(name='address[%s].%s'%(counter, 'address_id'))+'\n')
...     fragment.safe(form.text(name='address[%s].%s'%(counter, 'number'))+'\n')
...     fragment.safe(form.text(name='address[%s].%s'%(counter, 'street'))+'\n')
...     fragment.safe(form.text(name='address[%s].%s'%(counter, 'city'))+'\n')
...     counter += 1
>>> print fragment.getvalue()[:-1]
<input type="hidden" name="person_id" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="firstname" value="James" />
<input type="text" name="lastname" value="Gardner" />
<input type="text" name="age" value="28" />
<input type="hidden" name="address[0].address_id" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="address[0].number" value="12" />
<input type="text" name="address[0].street" value="Long Avenue" />
<input type="text" name="address[0].city" value="Oxford" />
<input type="hidden" name="address[1].address_id" value="2" />
<input type="text" name="address[1].number" value="5" />
<input type="text" name="address[1].street" value="Shop Street" />
<input type="text" name="address[1].city" value="London" />

Notice that since [ and ] aren’t valid in the id attributes they get stripped. Also notice that all fields got their correct values. This code would work for any person now, regarless of the number of addresses they have.


This example uses an HTMLFragment class to assemble the HTML. The safe() method tells fragment to append the HTML to the current fragment but not to escape any of the HTML. You would use the write() method to write data which may need escaping. HTMLFragment is designed to be a very fast way of generating safe HTML, even if it looks a bit cumbersome.

Here’s a validator for the person:

>>> from recordconvert import toRecord, toListOfRecords
>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         person_id = unicodeToInteger(),
...         firstname = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         lastname = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         age = unicodeToInteger(),
...         address = toListOfRecords(
...             toRecord(
...                 converters = dict(
...                     address_id = unicodeToInteger(),
...                     number = unicodeToInteger(),
...                     street = unicodeToUnicode(),
...                     city = unicodeToUnicode(),
...                 )
...             )
...         )
...     )
... )

Let’s set up a fake request representing the form above being submitted.

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'person_id=1&firstname=James&lastname=Gardner&age=28&address[0].address_id=1&address[0].number=12&address[0].street=Long+Avenue&address[0].city=Oxford&address[1].address_id=2&address[1].number=5&address[1].city=London&address[1].street=Shop+Street'
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)

Now let’s try the conversion. There’s an extra step we need to take after we’ve got hold of the params. We need to decode the keys to turn them back into a nested structure suitable for the conversion. Here’s how:

>>> from nestedrecord import decodeNestedRecord
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> person_params = Conversion(params).perform(decodeNestedRecord()).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(person_params).perform(form_converter)
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'address': [{u'address_id': 1,
               u'city': u'Oxford',
               u'number': 12,
               u'street': u'Long Avenue'},
              {u'address_id': 2,
               u'city': u'London',
               u'number': 5,
               u'street': u'Shop Street'}],
 u'age': 28,
 u'firstname': u'James',
 u'lastname': u'Gardner',
 u'person_id': 1}
>>> conversion.result == person

Ways of representing the relationship on a screen:

  • By ID and label only (checkbox group or multiple select box)
  • With all the data too

Based on ID only

You might want a form with the person details and then a checkbox group for all the possible addresses so that the user can select which addresses are associated with the person.

In this case you can use a checkbox group but the usual pattern is to give each checkbox the same name and a different value, each representing the ID of an address. Then in the application you simply have to deal with a list of IDs representing the addresses.

Things might look like this:

>>> person = Record(
...     person_id = 1,
...     firstname = 'James',
...     lastname = 'Gardner',
...     age = 28,
...     address = [1, 2]
... )

You can generate such a checkbox group like this passing in the address list manually but as you’ll see in a minute there is a better approach:

>>> form = Form(
...     value=dict(
...         person_id=person.person_id,
...         firstname=person.firstname,
...         lastname=person.lastname,
...         age=person.age,
...         address=[1,2]
...     ),
...     option=dict(address=[(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)])
... )
>>> fragment = HTMLFragment()
>>> fragment.safe(form.hidden(name='person_id')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='firstname')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='lastname')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='age')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.checkbox_group(name='address'))
>>> print fragment.getvalue()
<input type="hidden" name="person_id" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="firstname" value="James" />
<input type="text" name="lastname" value="Gardner" />
<input type="text" name="age" value="28" />
<input type="checkbox" name="address" value="1" checked="checked" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" name="address" value="2" checked="checked" /> 2
<input type="checkbox" name="address" value="3" /> 3


You might be wondering what the options argument is above. It is simply a list of (id, label) pairs of all the possilbe options for a checkbox group. The key should be the same as the name specified for the checkbox group. In this case this is address but in a more complex example it could be person[1].address or something similar. It is not the sub_name, an argument to form.checkbox_group() which you’ll learn about in a bit.

You might also be wondering why the options are specified in the Form constructor and not as an argument to form.checkbox_group(). The answer is that the options for checkbox groups are often calculated from a database query. FormBuild encourages separation between templating code and database code. Structured this way, the database code can occur as the Form object is constructed and then the call to form.checkbox_group() can occur in template code without needing any access to a database to determine which options it should be producing checkboxes for.

This works fine, but there’s a better way. You’ll recall that single values aren’t allowed in the NestedRecord data model, this means that you’ll want each ID to represent a complete record. Rather than giving each item the same name you give it the name of the address_id as though each is a separate record.

We want the data structure to look like this instead:

>>> person = Record(
...     person_id = 1,
...     firstname = 'James',
...     lastname = 'Gardner',
...     age = 28,
...     address = ListOfRecords(
...         [
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 1,
...             ),
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 2,
...             ),
...         ]
...     )
... )

Now we can encode this data as before and we don’t have to specify any values manually:

>>> value = encode(person)
>>> print value
{'address[1].address_id': 2, 'address[0].address_id': 1, 'firstname': 'James', 'lastname': 'Gardner', 'age': 28, 'person_id': 1}
>>> form = Form(
...     value=value,
...     option=dict(address=[(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)])
... )
>>> fragment = HTMLFragment()
>>> fragment.safe(form.hidden(name='person_id')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='firstname')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='lastname')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='age')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.checkbox_group(name='address', sub_name='address_id'))
>>> print fragment.getvalue()
<input type="hidden" name="person_id" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="firstname" value="James" />
<input type="text" name="lastname" value="Gardner" />
<input type="text" name="age" value="28" />
<input type="checkbox" name="address[0].address_id" value="1" checked="checked" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" name="address[1].address_id" value="2" checked="checked" /> 2
<input type="checkbox" name="address[2].address_id" value="3" /> 3

Let’s set up a fake request representing the form above being submitted.

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'person_id=1&firstname=James&lastname=Gardner&age=28&address[0].address_id=1&address[1].address_id=2'
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)

Let’s see how this turns out when processed in the application:

>>> from recordconvert import toRecord, toListOfRecords
>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         person_id = unicodeToInteger(),
...         firstname = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         lastname = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         age = unicodeToInteger(),
...         address = toListOfRecords(
...             toRecord(
...                 converters = dict(
...                     address_id = unicodeToInteger(),
...                 )
...             )
...         )
...     )
... )

Now let’s try the conversion. Again, there’s an extra step we need to take after we’ve got hold of the params. We need to decode the keys to turn them back into a nested structure suitable for the conversion. Here’s how:

>>> from nestedrecord import decodeNestedRecord
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> person_params = Conversion(params).perform(decodeNestedRecord()).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(person_params).perform(form_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'address': [{u'address_id': 1}, {u'address_id': 2}],
 u'age': 28,
 u'firstname': u'James',
 u'lastname': u'Gardner',
 u'person_id': 1}
>>> conversion.result == person

If you want the list of ticked checkboxes you can easily do this:

>>> [address['address_id'] for address in conversion.result.address]
[1, 2]

As you can see, by structuring your data properly you can make form processing much more automatic.


You might be tempted to deduce something from the order of the fields. For example the second checkbox will always come before the first in the decoded data structure’s list of records for the addresses. It is best not to rely on this though and instead use the real ID as the value of each checkbox. Failing that you can always set hidden fields for other variables to be decoded to create more complete records on the server side.

Many-to-Many Relationships

A many-to-many relationship is when one or more instances of one entity are related to zero or more instances of another. For example, in real life more than one person often lives at an address this means that an address has zero or more people associated with it and a person might have zero or more addresses associated with him or her.

When dealing with forms though, you only ever deal with one entity at once. For example you are either editing an address and changing the people known to be living there or editing a person’s record to adjust which addresses they are known to live at so you never provide an interface showing both ways of thinking about it at the same time.

If you think about how you would implement a many-to-many mapping in a relational database, the reasoning becomes clear. You actually introduce a third table and each entitiy has a one to many relationship with the third table which is why a many-to-many mapping can be decomposed into two one-to-many mappings for the purposes of form handling.

This means that handling a many to many mapping in a form is exaclty the same as handling a one-to-many mapping from the point of view of the entity being changed. The only differences wihh a many-to-many mapping are that:

  • you will need two forms, one to handle each entity
  • one end of each one-to-many mapping will be the link table, not the other entity

One-to-One Relationships

There’s one type of relationship we haven’t thought of yet: the one-to-one relationship. As an example think about a person again. In addition to the name, age etc (stored in the person table) you might need to store signin information for the user such as username and password.

The ideal way of modelling this situation is to keep the sign in information with the person information (ie in the same table in the case of a relational database) but this isn’t always possible. You might want to use a third party program for managing the sign in data for example. In these cases you have two choices:

  • Create a combined record with the keys for the person from both tables
  • Treat the situation as a one-to-many mapping

The first option might sound quite appealing but as soon as you do this there is no easy way programatic way to determine which keys are from which table. This results in your data being harder to work with than you might imagine.

The better approach is the second becasue it actually models the underlying data structure better. To use it though you have to decide which of the two tables is going to be modelled as the one side of the one-to-many mapping. I’m going to choose the authkit_user table.

>>> from recordconvert import Record, ListOfRecords
>>> person = Record(
...     person_id = 1,
...     firstname = 'James',
...     lastname = 'Gardner',
...     age = 28,
...     address = ListOfRecords(
...         [
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 1,
...                 number = 12,
...                 street = 'Long Avenue',
...                 city = 'Oxford',
...             ),
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 2,
...                 number = 5,
...                 street = 'Shop Street',
...                 city = 'London',
...             ),
...         ]
...     ),
...     authkit_user = ListOfRecords(
...         [
...             Record(
...                 username = 'jim',
...                 password = '1234'
...             )
...         ]
...     ),
... )
>>> person.authkit_user.username

Now you can deal with the person table and the authkit_user table the same way as the relationship between person and address. The only difference is that there will never be more than one record for the list of authkit_user records.

Handling Errors

When errors occur during the conversion the conversion.successful attribute will be False. There will then be an error associated with each level of the error hierachy. You can encode this hierachy using the encode_error() function from the nestedrecord module provided by the NestedError package.

Using the checkbox group example from earlier, we get this if there is an error in the data submitted

First let’s import the encode_error() function:

>>> from nestedrecord import encode_error
>>> person = Record(
...     person_id = 1,
...     firstname = 'James',
...     lastname = 'Gardner',
...     age = 28,
...     address = ListOfRecords(
...         [
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 'this will cause an error',
...             ),
...             Record(
...                 address_id = 2,
...             ),
...         ]
...     )
... )
>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'person_id=1&firstname=James&lastname=Gardner&age=28&address[0].address_id=this+will+cause+an+error&address[1].address_id=2'
... }
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> from nestedrecord import decodeNestedRecord
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> person_params = Conversion(params).perform(decodeNestedRecord()).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(person_params).perform(form_converter)
>>> conversion.successful
>>> errors = encode_error(conversion)
>>> pprint(errors)
{u'address': 'One of the items was not valid',
 u'address[0]': 'The address_id field is invalid',
 u'address[0].address_id': "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'this will cause an error'"}

The error messages are now named in a similar fashion to the encoded field names which makes working with them much easier. If you were using form.field() to create the HTML for each field you could use the errors dictionary above as the errors argument to Form to have the error messages which are directly associated with fields displayed next to them automatically. That’s beyond the scope of this documentation though.

Handling the Difficult Cases

There are a few situations where the NestedRecord approach can’t easily be used. We’ll look at these problems in this section as well as their solutions.

Handling Image Buttons

When you are using an image button to submit a form, the browser will add two new field names made from the name attribute of the submit input image button followed by .x and .y. These contain the co-ordinates where the image was clicked.

If you want to access this information you can do so by treating the x an y coordinates as two values of a record contained in a list of records.

For example, here are the form fields:

>>> form = Form()
>>> fragment = HTMLFragment()
>>> fragment.safe(form.text(name='username')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.password(name='password')+'\n')
>>> fragment.safe(form.image_button(name='submit', value="Sign in", src='image.png'))
>>> print fragment.getvalue()
<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
<input src="image.png" alt="Sign in" type="image" name="submit" value="Sign in" />

The resulting query string might look like this (note the extra submission):

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'username=james&password=1234&submit.x=51&submit.y=13&submit=Sign+in'
... }

This is hard to process because the NestedRecord model doesn’t allow the naming convention the fields happen to have. FormConvert provides two choices:

  • Strip the fields completely and lose the information about where the user clicked and what the value of the button was
  • Modify the params before they are passed to decodeNestedRecord() so that they are in a more appropriate format

Either way we use the handleSubmitImage() converter.

>>> from formconvert import handleSubmitImage

Stripping the Image Submit Data

Let’s look at the case where you simply strip the data first:

>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         username = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         password = unicodeToUnicode(),
...     )
... )
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> params = Conversion(fs).perform(multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8')).result
>>> modified_params = Conversion(params).perform(handleSubmitImage(name='submit', strip=True)).result
>>> person_params = Conversion(modified_params).perform(decodeNestedRecord()).result
>>> conversion = Conversion(person_params).perform(form_converter)
>>> print conversion.result
{u'username': u'james', u'password': u'1234'}

There are quite a lot of conversions going on here so it might be neater to use the ConversionKit chainConverters() converter to make it neater.

>>> from conversionkit import chainConverters

Here’s the same thing written in a more compact way:

>>> combined_converter = chainConverters(
...     multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8'),
...     handleSubmitImage(name='submit', strip=True),
...     decodeNestedRecord(),
...     form_converter
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(fs).perform(combined_converter)
>>> print conversion.result
{u'username': u'james', u'password': u'1234'}

Modifying the Image Submit Data

This is very similar but you use the submit_image_to_record converter to convert the submit image data:

>>> from formconvert import submit_image_to_record

You then use handleSubmitImage() again, but pass it strip=False (the default):

>>> form_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         username = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         password = unicodeToUnicode(),
...         submit = submit_image_to_record,
...     )
... )
>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> combined_converter = chainConverters(
...     multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8'),
...     handleSubmitImage(name='submit'),
...     decodeNestedRecord(),
...     form_converter
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(fs).perform(combined_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'password': u'1234',
 u'submit': [{u'x': 51, u'y': 13}],
 u'username': u'james'}
>>> conversion.result.submit.x

Handling Multiple Fields With The Same Name (Multi-Valued Select Boxes)

Sometimes the form you are converting has multiple fields with the same name. The best way to handle this is to give the fields a different name becuase the NestedRecord decode() function does not expect lists of values for the same key. You’ve already seen how we solved this problem in the case of checkbox groups earlier by using the sub_name argument to form.checkboc_group().

It turns out that all fields can be handled by giving them each a key corresponding to their position in a nested record data structure flattened by the encode() function except in the image button case just discussed and one rare case: a select field with its multiple attribute set and with more than one value selected by the user. In this case the browser submits each of the values under the same field name so we have to be able to cope with this behaviour.

Here’s some sample HTML which demonstrates a problematic set up:

>>> form = Form(
...     value=dict(fruit=[1,2]),
...     option=dict(fruit=[(1, 'Apples'), (2, 'Pears'), (3, 'Bananas')])
... )
>>> print form.combo(name='fruit', attributes=dict(size="4"))
<select multiple="multiple" name="fruit" size="4">
<option selected="selected" value="1">Apples</option>
<option selected="selected" value="2">Pears</option>
<option value="3">Bananas</option>

When this form gets submitted the QUERY_STRING will look like this:

>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': 'fruit=1&fruit=2'
... }

We can’t decode this using the NestedRecord data structure because there are two values for the field fruit but once again we can envisage a fruit key with a ListOfRecords value containing records for different types of fruit. For this to work we’ll need a converter which removes the fruit keys and replaces them with something like this:


The refactorDuplicateFields() converter does just this.

>>> from formconvert import refactorDuplicateFields

Let’s create a converter for the submitted fields:

>>> fruit_converter = toRecord(
...     converters = dict(
...         fruit = toListOfRecords(
...             toRecord(
...                 converters = dict(
...                     fruit_id = unicodeToInteger(),
...                 )
...             )
...         )
...     )
... )

Now for the conversion:

>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> combined_converter = chainConverters(
...     multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8'),
...     refactorDuplicateFields('fruit', 'fruit_id'),
...     decodeNestedRecord(),
...     fruit_converter
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(fs).perform(combined_converter)
>>> print conversion.result
{u'fruit': [{u'fruit_id': 1}, {u'fruit_id': 2}]}
>>> conversion.result.fruit[0].fruit_id

Handling FieldSets

Sometimes you want a form with fields from more than one database table. If the field names from each table were different you could get away with having them all in the same form but if some of the columns have the same names you need a more sophisticated approach.

In the application you will want to deal with two sets of records so the best thing to do is give each record a name and encode them. The encoded field names can then be used in the form and then decoded into the two records once the data is submitted. Here’s an example of encoding the data for use in the form. We only show the field for the address firstname, but notice how the field name for the input field uses the encoded key name:

>>> from recordconvert import Record, ListOfRecords
>>> from nestedrecord import encode
>>> account = Record(
...     username='jim',
...     password=123456,
... )
>>> address1=Record(
...     number = 12,
...     city = 'London',
... )
>>> data = Record(
...     address=ListOfRecords(address1),
...     account=ListOfRecords(account),
... )
>>> encoded_data = encode(data)
>>> print encoded_data
{'address[0].number': 12, 'account[0].password': 123456, 'address[0].city': 'London', 'account[0].username': 'jim'}

Then let’s create a dummy request. First let’s create the environment:

>>> # Should really encode v below but the strings we've chosen are safe anyway
>>> query_string = '&'.join(['%s=%s'%(k,v) for k, v in encoded_data.items()])
>>> print query_string
>>> fake_environ = {
...     'QUERY_STRING': query_string,
... }

Now let’s use the request in a pre-validator:

>>> from formconvert import multiDictToDict
>>> from conversionkit import chainConverters
>>> from stringconvert.email import unicodeToEmail
>>> contact_to_dictionary = chainConverters(
...     multiDictToDict(encoding='utf-8'),
...     decodeNestedRecord(),
...     toRecord(
...         converters = dict(
...             account=toListOfRecords(
...                 toRecord(
...                     converters = dict(
...                         username = unicodeToUnicode(),
...                         password = unicodeToUnicode(),
...                     )
...                 )
...             ),
...             address=toListOfRecords(
...                 toRecord(
...                     dict(
...                         number = unicodeToInteger(),
...                         city = unicodeToUnicode(),
...                     )
...                 )
...             )
...         )
...     )
... )

Let’s pass the entire request as the argument to convert:

>>> fs = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=fake_environ, keep_blank_values=True)
>>> result = Conversion(fs).perform(contact_to_dictionary).result
>>> pprint(result)
{u'account': [{u'password': u'123456', u'username': u'jim'}],
 u'address': [{u'city': u'London', u'number': 12}]}

Useful Converters

FormConvert also provides some useful converters you might wish to use to help handle specific cases.


The first is excludeFields(), a pre-validator which ensures that specific fields in a dictionary or record are not present. It can be set to raise an exception rather then set an error.

Here’s an example:

>>> from formconvert import excludeFields
>>> converter = excludeFields(['firstname', 'surname'])
>>> conversion = Conversion(dict(name='James', firstname='james')).perform(converter)
>>> print conversion.error
The field 'firstname' is not allowed
>>> converter = excludeFields(['firstname', 'surname'], raise_exception=True)
>>> conversion = Conversion(dict(name='James', firstname='james')).perform(converter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...
ExcludedFieldPresentError: The field 'firstname' is not allowed
James Gardner: Home > Work > Code > FormConvert > 0.3.0 > Manual