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ConversionKit v0.3.2 documentation

ConversionKit Manual

ConversionKit is a general purpose toolkit designed from the ground up to:

  • Allow you to encapsulate conversion functionality into reusable components
  • Provide a unified API to perform a conversion, no matter how complex
  • Simplify the process of performing conversions

The ConversionKit package provides a low-level API on which other packages can build. ConversionKit includes support for compound and nested types and can be used for:

  • Unit conversions
  • HTML form handling
  • URL parsing and generation
  • Encoding to and from SQL data types
  • Much, much more...

The ConversionKit package contains the core code, other packages such as a URLConvert, FormConvert and ConfigConvert provide domain-specific APIs on top of ConversionKit.

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Before you learn how to use ConversionKit it is important you are aware of how a closure works in Python because ConversionKit uses them extensively as a slightly safer way of working with converters than using Python classes. Although “closure” is a fancy name, it just describes what happens to local variables when a function returns another function defined within it; it’s a really simple technique. ConversionKit doesn’t use any of the magic you might have seen in other conversion packages. There are no decorators, generators, meta-classes, inheritance or complex code.

If you haven’t heard the word “closure” before take a look at Appendix A: Primer on Functional Python Programming before continuing otherwise the techniques described in this manual may appear unfamiliar.

Writing Converters

Now that you’ve read the functional Python primer let’s see look at how to write a ConversionKit converter. Although you might never need to write your own converter if you are simply using existing ones it is still helpful to know how they are implemented and how they work.

Here is a converter which converts a Python string to an integer. A production implementation of a string-to-integer converter can be found in the FormConvert package which also contains many other converters for converting Python values to and from strings.

>>> def stringToInteger():
...     def stringToInteger_converter(conversion, state=None):
...         try:
...             result = int(conversion.value)
...         except Exception, e:
...             conversion.error = str(e)
...         else:
...             conversion.result = result
...     return stringToInteger_converter

There is quite a lot going on in this example so before we look at how to use it to perform a conversion let’s look at the conventions which it meets:

  1. The converter is implemented as a function which returns a function

    The outer function sets up the inner function which it returns. The inner stringToInteger_converter() function is what is actually responsible for performing the conversion.

  2. The outer function is named in camelCase but starting with a lowercase letter so that it still conforms to PEP 8

    As you learned in the functional Python primer the outer function behaves as if it is a Python class with a __call__() method so it is useful to distiguish between this type of function and functions which don’t behave like classes. ConversionKit (and the packages which rely on it) follow a convention where functions which return functions (and thus behave a bit like classes) are named in camelCase with a lower case first letter and all other functions are named with underscores.


    Not all Python packages obey this naming convention. Modules in the Standard Library for example use a combination of underscores and camelCase without any meaning implied by either.

  3. The inner and outer function names are related

    Inner functions should have the same name as their corresponding outer function but with the string _converter appended to their name.

    It is important to stick to this convention because if an exception occurs somewhere in your code, the name of the inner function is the only thing which will help you identify it. This is because Python doesn’t print a full module path for functions returned from other functions, it only uses their name:

    >>> stringToInteger()
    <function stringToInteger_converter at ...>

    If you had just named the inner function something like converter it would still work correctly but it would be harder to debug in the event of an unexpected exception.

  4. The outer function can take any number of arguments

    The arguments passed to the outer function are used to configure the inner function. In this case the stringToInteger_converter() function needs no configuration so the outer stringToInteger() function takes no arguments.

  5. The inner function takes exactly two arguments, conversion which is required and state which is optional

    The first argument is always an instance of a Conversion object which is used to keep track of the state of the conversion itself. The Conversion instance contains the value to be converted as its .value attribute. The second argument is an optional state object which can contain any objects, functions or other data necessary to perform the conversion. You’ll learn more about the state in the “Understanding State” section so let’s concentrate on the conversion argument.

  6. The inner function is responsible for actually performing the conversion

    The value to be converted is available as the .value attribute of the object passed as the conversion argument.

  7. The inner function must set an error or a result on the object passed as the conversion argument

    If the conversion could not be performed, the inner function must set a .error attribute which must be a string describing the error which occurred. Otherwise it must set a .result attribute containing the result of the conversion. The inner function must not set both an .error attribute and a .result attribute. If a result is set it is assumed the conversion was successful.

  8. The inner function must not modify the .value attribute of the object passed as the conversion argument

    conversion objects should always provide access to the original value before the conversion took place via their .value attribute so you should be careful not to change this value when writing your own converters.

    One case where it is easy to accidentally change the original value is when you are converting a dictionary of values such as this one:

    {'key1': '1', 'key2': '2'}

    Then in the converter you might write this by mistake:

    result = conversion.value
    result['key1'] = 1
    result['key2'] = 2
    conversion.result = result

    In this situation modifying the result dictionary also modifies the conversion.value dictionary becasue the first line makes result and conversion.value point to the same dictionary, it doesn’t make result a copy of conversion.value. You can see that conversion.value is no longer the same as the original value, the values are now integers:

    {'key2': 2, 'key1': 1}

    Instead you should create a copy of the original values like this:

    result = conversion.value.copy()
    result['key1'] = 1
    result['key2'] = 2
    conversion.result = result

    The value of conversion.value would now be {'key2': '2', 'key1': '1'} and the value of conversion.result would be {'key2': 2, 'key1': 1}.

    Of course, this is just standard Python behaviour but it might catch you out if you aren’t expecting it.

  9. The inner function should be designed in such a way that it can be used

    more than once

    This means it shouldn’t set any variables the first time it is used which would adversely affect its behaviour on subsequent calls.

Now that you’ve seen the main rules that a converter must meet, take another look at the example and satisfy for yourself that it meets them.

Configuring Converters

Some converters you will write will need configuration. This can be done by passing arguments to the outer function.

If you want to write a converter which requires some configuration you need to write an outer function which accpets arguments which are then accessible from the returned inner function. All the previous rules about converters apply in the new case but there is one additional rule:

  1. The inner function should not directly modify the arguments passed to the outer function

    Otherwise if the outer function contains default arguments the second time you called the outer function the defaults might have changed which would result in different behaviour of the inner function.

As an example consider the stringToDate converter below. The format argument to the outer function is used to determine how the string should be parsed in the inner function.

>>> import datetime
>>> def stringToDate(format='%d/%m/%Y'):
...     def stringToDate_converter(conversion, state=None):
...         try:
...             result = datetime.datetime.strptime(
...                 conversion.value,
...                 format
...             )
...         except ValueError, e:
...             conversion.error = str(e)
...         else:
...             conversion.result = datetime.date(
...                 result.year,
...                 result.month,
...                 result.day
...             )
...     return stringToDate_converter

Performing Single Conversions

Now that you’ve seen some simple converters, let’s look at how you would use them.

Each conversion you perform with ConversionKit requires two things:

  • A converter such as the stringToInteger() converter above
  • A Conversion object to provide the value being converted and keep track of the error or result

You might be surprised to hear that you never actually use a converter directly. Instead you use the Conversion object’s perform() method to perform the conversion using the converter.

First import the Conversion class from the ConversionKit module.

>>> from conversionkit import Conversion

Now perform the conversion with a converter, specifying the value to be converted as the argument to Conversion. Internally, the argument gets set as the .value attribute of the conversion instance:

>>> conversion = Conversion('2009')
>>> conversion.perform(stringToInteger())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> print conversion.result

As you can see, after the conversion the result can be accessed via the conversion’s .result attribute. The original value is still available via the .value attribute:

>>> conversion.value

The idea is that you’ll create a different Conversion object for each conversion you wish to perform. They are very lightweight so there isn’t a large performance impact for this. You can’t perform another conversion on the same conversion object or you will get an exception:

>>> conversion.perform(stringToInteger())
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConversionKitError: A converter has already been applied to this conversion object


This might all seem like a lot of effort to go to for such a simple conversion but the power of ConversionKit is that the infrastructure you use for simple examples such as this is exactly the same as the infrastructure used for very complex conversions so you only need to learn one set of techniques to enable you to deal with the vast majority of cases you’ll encounter.

When Errors Occur

Not all conversions will be possible because sometimes the value being converted might not be valid. In such circumstances an exception will be raised with a description of the error. Here we are trying to convert the string '_33_' to an integer:

>>> conversion = Conversion('_33_')
>>> conversion.perform(stringToInteger())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> print conversion.result
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConversionError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '_33_'

You can test for this exception and handle the error like this:

>>> import conversionkit
>>> conversion = conversionkit.Conversion('_33_')
>>> conversion.perform(stringToInteger())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> try:
...     result = conversion.result
... except conversionkit.ConversionError, e:
...     error = str(e)
...     print "The conversion failed: %r"%(error)
... else:
...     print "The conversion succeeded: %r"%(result)
The conversion failed: "invalid literal for int() with base 10: '_33_'"

This is rather cumbersome so ConversionKit provides an alternative API which is more commonly used. After a conversion has been applied the conversion instance has a .successful attribute which is set to either True or False. If it is True then the .result attribute will contain the result, otherwise the .error attribute will contain a string describing the error. The error description accessed at .error is the same as the one which would be raised in the ConversionError if you tried to access the .result attribute when .successful is False.

>>> conversion = Conversion('_33_')
>>> conversion.perform(stringToInteger())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> if conversion.successful:
...     print "The conversion succeded: %r"%conversion.result
... else:
...     print "The conversion failed: %r"%conversion.error
The conversion failed: "invalid literal for int() with base 10: '_33_'"

Exceptions You Might See

If you try to access the .successful attribute before a result or an error has been set on the conversion, an exception is raised:

>>> conversion = Conversion('Some value')
>>> conversion.successful
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConversionKitError: No conversion has been performed yet

If the converter you are using isn’t written properly and fails to set an error or a result you will get an excetion when you call its perform() method. To demonstrate this we need a faulty converter such as the one below.

>>> def toFaulty():
...     def toFaulty_converter(converison, state=None):
...         return conversion
...     return toFaulty_converter

Let’s see what happens when we try to use it:

>>> conversion = Conversion('Some value')
>>> conversion.perform(toFaulty())
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConversionKitError: The converter <function toFaulty_converter at 0x...> doesn't work correctly, it failed to set a result or an error.

It’s worth being aware that you can’t set an error or a result twice on the same conversion either.

Configuring Converters

If the converter requires configuration (like the stringToDate converter you’ve already seen) you would set up the conversion like this:

>>> conversion = Conversion('2009-02-21')
>>> conversion.perform(stringToDate('%Y-%m-%d'))
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> if conversion.successful:
...     print "The conversion succeeded: %r"%conversion.result
... else:
...     print "The conversion failed: %r"%conversion.error
The conversion succeeded: datetime.date(2009, 2, 21)

Performing Conversions in One Step

You can shorten the process like this:

>>> Conversion('2009-02-21').perform(stringToDate('%Y-%m-%d')).result
datetime.date(2009, 2, 21)

This works because the perform() method returns the conversion object it is acting on so accessing .result on the result of calling the method is the same as accessing it directly on the conversion.

Re-Using Converters

Although you can’t apply a second converter to the same conversion, converters themselves are desgined to be used on multiple different conversions so you can do this:

>>> string_to_date_converter = stringToDate('%Y-%m-%d')
>>> Conversion('2009-02-21').perform(string_to_date_converter).result
datetime.date(2009, 2, 21)
>>> Conversion('2009-02-20').perform(string_to_date_converter).result
datetime.date(2009, 2, 20)

Notice that the same string_to_date_converter function is used in both conversions but that two instances of the Conversion class are needed, one conversion instance per conversion.

Using the oneOf() Converter

Sometimes you might want to confirm that a value is one of an allowed number of values. You can do this with the oneOf converter. It works like this:

>>> from conversionkit import oneOf
>>> allowed_values = oneOf([1,2,3])
>>> print Conversion(2).perform(allowed_values).result
>>> print Conversion(4).perform(allowed_values).error
The value submitted is not one of the allowed values


The oneOf converter isn’t really a converter at all because it doesn’t perform any conversion. Instead it mearly validates that a value is one of a set of allowed values. ConversionKit doesn’t make a distinction between validators and converters because they both have the exactly the same APIs, taking a value and producing a result or an error.

Some developers have suggested that ConversionKit could be improved by separating the roles of converters and validators and if your particular application would benefit from this approach you are free to implement your own converters and validators separately. I’ve always found it most useful to combine these roles so that converters attempt to perform a conversion, displaying appropriate error messages if a conversion is not possible. This is the approach taken by ConversionKit.

The tryEach() Converter

Another useful converter is the tryEach() converter which takes a series of converters as arguments and tries each in turn until one successfully handles the conversion without an error.

>>> from conversionkit import tryEach
>>> each = tryEach(
...     [
...         stringToInteger(),
...         stringToDate('%Y-%m-%d'),
...     ]
... )
>>> Conversion('2009-07-31').perform(each).result
datetime.date(2009, 7, 31)

There are options to allow you to stop on the first error, stop on the first good result, try all of them regardless, have the result and children as a dictionary instead of a list and also to set the error message if no results are found.

Performing Multiple Conversions on the Same Value

As you’ve already learned, each conversion can only use one converter. What if you want to apply multiple converters to a conversion? The answer is that you have to create multiple conversion objects and copy the .result attribute from the first to the .value attribute of the second before the conversion.

The noConversion() Converter

There’s a converter called the noConversion converter which simply sets the result of a conversion to be a copy of the input value. This isn’t particularly useful on its own but as you’ll see in Chapter 3, it can be handy when dealing with compound conversions when one part of a compound data type doesn’t actually need converting.

When used on its own it looks like this:

>>> from conversionkit import noConversion
>>> value = 'Any value'
>>> conversion = Conversion(value)
>>> conversion.perform(noConversion()).result
'Any value'
>>> value == conversion.value == conversion.result

A conversion using noConversion never results in an error being set.

Performing Multiple Conversions on the Same Value

As you’ve already learned, each conversion can only use one converter. What if you want to apply multiple converters to a conversion? The answer is that you have to create multiple conversion objects and copy the .result attribute from the first to the .value attribute of the second before the conversion. Here’s a hard coded example, I’ll show you the easier method in the next section, but it is useful to understand this technique for when you are coding more complex converters later on. Here I’m converting a string to an integer and then chceking it is one of the allowed values:

>>> input = '2'
>>> first_conversion = Conversion(input)
>>> first_conversion.perform(stringToInteger())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> second_conversion = Conversion(first_conversion.result)
>>> second_conversion.perform(oneOf([1, 2, 3]))
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> second_conversion.result

Chaining Using the chainConverters() Tool

The chainConverters() tool is a function which produces a converter from the combination of all the converters passed to it. The value is passed through each converter in turn from left to right in the argument list and the result of the last converter is set as the .result attribute of the conversion.

Here’s an example which uses chainConverters:

>>> from conversionkit import chainConverters
>>> conversion = Conversion('2')
>>> chain = chainConverters(
...     stringToInteger(),
...     oneOf([1, 2, 3]),
... )
>>> conversion.perform(chain)
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> if conversion.successful:
...     print conversion.value

This approach is called chaining. If an error occurs in one of the converters, the error that occurred is set as the .error attribute of the conversion and no more converters are applied.

>>> conversion = Conversion('4')
>>> chain = chainConverters(
...     stringToInteger(),
...     oneOf([1, 2, 3]),
... )
>>> conversion.perform(chain)
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> if not conversion.successful:
...     print conversion.error
The value submitted is not one of the allowed values


Later on when you look at compound conversions you’ll learn about a slightly different tool for changing called chainPostConverters(). Post converters are special converters which operate on a conversion instance which has already had a conversion applied. Don’t get the two types of converters or the two types of chaining tools confused.

Understanding State

In the certain circumstances it can be useful to be able to pass extra objects to a converter to enable it to perform the conversion. For example, a converter which also needs to validate that the username entered on a “Create Account” form on a website might need to be able to access a database to perform a check that the username isn’t already taken. Let’s set up an SQLite in-memory database for an example and create a users table:

>>> import sqlite3
>>> connection = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE users (username VARCHAR(20))')
<sqlite3.Cursor object at ...>
>>> cursor.close()

Consider the converter below which uses a database connection to check that a username is still available. Notice that this time, the state argument to the inner function is not optional:

>>> def usernameAvailable():
...     def usernameAvailable_converter(conversion, state):
...         cursor = state.connection.cursor()
...         cursor.execute(
...             'SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE username=?',
...             (conversion.value,)
...         )
...         rows = cursor.fetchall()
...         if len(rows) and rows[0][0] == 1:
...             conversion.error = 'This username is not available'
...         else:
...             conversion.result = conversion.value
...         cursor.close()
...     return usernameAvailable_converter

To use this converter you can create a state object, set up a database connection on it and then pass the object as the second argument to the conversion’s perform() method:

>>> from bn import AttributeDict
>>> state = AttributeDict()
>>> state['connection'] = connection
>>> Conversion('james').perform(usernameAvailable(), state).result

Here we are using an AttributeDict from the bn module provided by the BareNecessities package. It is just a dictionary which allows keys to be accessed as attributes but only allows them to be set like a normal dictionary.

You don’t have to use an AttributeDict object as the state, you can use any object you like.

The state argument, passed as the second argument to perfom() gets passed as the second argument to the usernameAvailable_converter() inner function when the conversion is performed. A cursor object is then created from the connection object accessed from the state. The SQL query is executed and a result or error is set based on the result of the query, just as is the case with a normal converter.

Using the state argument in this way lets you encapsulate some quite complex logic in ConversionKit converters and then use them in the same way as any other ConversionKit converter.


In this chapter you have learned everything there is to know about how to convert values from an input to a result. You have also seen how to write your own converters and how to avoid common pitfalls.

In the next chapter you’ll learn how to deal with converting compound values where, in the event of a failure, you want to know which sub-component couldn’t be converted.

Before you can work with compound conversions you’ll need a thorough understanding of the topics covered in this chapter. Make sure you understand the examples and can write your own converters as functions which return functions before continuing.

Chapter 2: Compound Conversions

In the previous chapter you saw how to perform single conversions such as converting a string to an integer or a string to a date but let’s think about what happens if the data structure you wish to convert is more complex.

As an example consider a dictionary of values representing an event which looks like this:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '23',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
...     'place': 'London',
... }

Imagine you want to convert this dictionary into a Python object. One way of doing so would be to write a converter which takes a dictionary as its input and then to write custom code to convert each of the values, before assembling and returning the result as a new dictionary. Here’s some code that just that:

>>> def eventToPython():
...     def eventToPython_converter(conversion, state=None):
...         event = conversion.value
...         child_conversions = {
...             'name': Conversion(event['name']).perform(noConversion()),
...             'guests': Conversion(event['guests']).perform(stringToInteger()),
...             'time': Conversion(event['time']).perform(stringToDate('%d/%m/%Y')),
...             'place': Conversion(event['place']).perform(noConversion()),
...         }
...         errors = []
...         for child in child_conversions.values():
...             if not child.successful:
...                 errors.append(child.error)
...         if errors:
...             conversion.error = 'Some of the fields were invalid'
...         else:
...             result = {}
...             for k, v in child_conversions.items():
...                 result[k] = v.result
...             conversion.result = result
...     return eventToPython_converter


Notice the use of the noConversion() converter for handling the name and place. Since these are strings anyway, no conversion needs to be performed.

The compound converter can now be used like other converters:

>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(eventToPython())
>>> print conversion.error
Some of the fields were invalid

Although this approach works well there is one problem in particular which needs addressing:

  • Any errors which are occur when converting the individual fields are associated with the overall dictionary, not the field which contained the error. If the error is as undescriptive as Some of the fields were invalid, which was the error above, it is very hard to know in which field the problem occurred.

Whilst this might not be a problem in some circumstances it certainly is in others so ConversionKit needs to provide a facility for accessing any error associated with each of the fields. It does this by requiring that compound converters also set a .children attribute on the conversion object containing a data structure of all the child conversions which have taken place. This allows any code using the conversion object to access the individual errors by accessing the .error attribute of the child conversion which contained the error.

Here’s that rule again:

  1. Compound converters must set a .children attribute on the object passed to the compound converter as the conversion` argument

    After the conversion the .children attribute should therefore contain a data structure which contains every other conversion which was necessary for the compound conversion to be performed and any child error can therefore be extracted from the .children attribute.

Here’s an updated version of the eventToPython() compound converter which also sets the .children attribute (only the last line has changed):

>>> def eventToPython():
...     def eventToPython_converter(conversion, state=None):
...         event = conversion.value
...         child_conversions = {
...             'name': Conversion(event['name']).perform(noConversion()),
...             'guests': Conversion(event['guests']).perform(stringToInteger()),
...             'time': Conversion(event['time']).perform(stringToDate('%d/%m/%Y')),
...             'place': Conversion(event['place']).perform(noConversion()),
...         }
...         errors = []
...         for child_name, child_conversion in child_conversions.items():
...             if not child_conversion.successful:
...                 errors.append(child_conversion.error)
...         if errors:
...             conversion.error = 'Some of the fields were invalid'
...         else:
...             result = {}
...             for k, v in child_conversions.items():
...                 result[k] = v.result
...             conversion.result = result
...         conversion.children = child_conversions
...     return eventToPython_converter

Here’s an example where the updated converter above is used on an event with an invalid time value:

>>> event_with_error = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '23',
...     'time': '2009/02/15',
...     'place': 'London',
... }
>>> conversion = Conversion(event_with_error)
>>> conversion.perform(eventToPython())
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> print conversion.error
Some of the fields were invalid
>>> print conversion.children['time'].error
time data '2009/02/15' does not match format '%d/%m/%Y'

The important thing to note here is that although the conversion instance contains child conversions with their own errors it still has a .error attribute of its own and so will still behave in the same way as a normal single conversion in addition to the extra information it provides.

As an example of where an overall error and a child errors are useful consider the case of form conversion in a web application. The conversion error string can be used as part of an overall error message, or perhaps a flash message or alert popup and any child conversion errors could be displayed next to the fields containing the invalid values.

When you use even more deeply nested conversions, setting an appropriate error message at each level becomes even more important.

Now you’ve seen both single and compound conversions you might be wondering when it is appropriate to write converters of each type. The simple rules are:

  • If you want individual errors to be associated with sub-components of an input value, use a compound converter, otherwise use a single converter.
  • If you aren’t sure, write a compound converter because compound conversions behave like single conversions anyway in that they have a .error, .result and .successful attributes, but they also provide more flexibility if you need it.

Using the toDictionary() Tool

The description of compound converters you’ve read so far in this chapter can apply to any data types, not just dictionaries. You could work on lists, objects or anything else you want to convert.

If you do need to convert a dictionary though, ConversionKit provides a tool which can create a suitable converter for you. It is called toDictionary() and to use it you simply specify the converters to be used for each key and let ConversionKit handle the conversions for you. Internally, ConversionKit will set up a separate Conversion object for each key value pair and set the .children attribute for you too.

Here’s an example:

>>> from conversionkit import toDictionary
>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'place': noConversion(),
...     }
... )

The event_converter object is actually a configured inner function so it can be used directly in a conversion’s perform() method without needing to be called again. This is no different from the example in the Re-Using Converters section where the string_to_date_converter was used directly without being called again.

Here’s how it is used (we are using the pprint() function to print the dictionary nicely with the keys in alphaetical order):

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '23',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
...     'place': 'London',
... }
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'guests': 23,
 u'name': 'Party',
 u'place': 'London',
 u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)}

As you can see, this produces the expected result. You can still access the child conversions of both successful and unsuccessful conversions via the .children attribute:

>>> pprint(conversion.children)
{u'guests': <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>,
 u'name': <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>,
 u'place': <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>,
 u'time': <conversionkit.Conversion object at 0x...>}

If you need to work with dictionaries, using the toDictionary converter can save you some time. In the next sections we’ll look at some more advanced functionality of the toDictionary() converter.

Extra Fields are Filtered, Missing Fields are Ignored

In real life, you might not have complete control over the input value which is passed to a dictionary converter. There might be extra fields you weren’t expecting or some of the fields you were expecting might be missing.

Rather than setting an error for missing or extra fields, the toDictionary implementation simply ignores things it can’t validate. This means that:

  • missing fields won’t be present in the result and no error will be produced
  • extra fields will be filtered out and not appear in the result

To demonstrate this let’s look at a valid event dictionary which needs converting:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '23',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
...     'place': 'London',
... }

Consider this version of an event_converter. The event data has a place field which the converter isn’t expecting and the converter expects a location field which isn’t present in the event data:

>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...     }
... )

Let’s perform the conversion:

>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'guests': 23, u'name': 'Party', u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)}

Notice that the time and the number of guests have been successfully converted to Python objects but that the result has no 'place' key and no error was raised about the fact no 'location' key was present in the event.

The allow_extra_fields and filter_extra_fields Arguments

If you want an exception to be raised if the generated converter recieves too many arguments you can specify allow_extra_fields=False as an argument to toDictionary(). If you don’t want extra fields to be filtered you can specify filter_extra_fields=False to have a noConversion() conversion performed on each extra field and have it added to the result. Generally speaking, using the defaults of allow_extra_fields=True and filter_extra_fields=True is fine.

Setting allow_extra_fields=False in the example below causes an exception to be raised due to the presence of the place key in the event data dictionary:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '23',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
...     'place': 'London',
... }
>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...     },
...     allow_extra_fields=False
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConversionKitError: The field u'place' is not allowed

If you want to have extra fields set an error on the conversion instead of raising an exception you should set allow_extra_fields to False and set raise_on_extra_fields to False too:

>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...     },
...     allow_extra_fields=False,
...     raise_on_extra_fields=False
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> print conversion.error
The field u'place' is not allowed

Here’s another example. This time notice that setting filter_extra_fields=False results in the place being present in the result:

>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...     },
...     filter_extra_fields=False
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'guests': 23,
 u'name': 'Party',
 u'place': 'London',
 u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)}


If you are coming from a FromEncode background the allow_extra_fields and filter_extra_fields options behave the same way they would then working with a FormEncode Schema, ConversionKit just sets the defaults to True rather than False.

Setting Default Values

If a key is missing or empty you might want to set a default value for it. The toDictionary() tool takes a missing_or_empty_defaults argument to allow you to specify the default values for missing or empty fields.

Here’s an event which is missing a location field and has an empty number of guests.

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
... }

Here’s an event_converter which is set to

>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...     },
...     missing_or_empty_defaults = {
...         'location': 'London',
...         'guests': 10,
...     },
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'guests': 10,
 u'location': 'London',
 u'name': 'Party',
 u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)}

As you can see both the missing location key and empty guests key were given the default value specified. Notice that the defaults get applied after the conversions so the default value you specify does not get converted. You cannot specify defaults for fields which don’t have an associated converter.


One design decision which I pondered for quite a while was whether it was better for a default to be processed through the child converter as though it had actually been passed as the original value for that field or whether it should be a short-cut which just gets set as a result. At the moment it is just a short-cut so you specify the result you want as the default, not the input.

The missing_defaults and empty_defaults arguments

Sometimes you might want to be more specific and specify a that a default should only be applied if the field is present but empty or only if the field is missing rather than having the same default applied regardless of the error. To achive this the toDictionary() tool takes two more arguments: missing_defaults and empty_defaults.

A dictionary of field names and values which should only be applied if the fields specified are missing
A dictionary of field names and values which should only be applied if the fields specified are present but have empty values

If you specify a missing_or_empty_defaults value as well as a missing_defaults or empty_defaults value, the missing_defaults or empty_defaults value is used in preference.

Here’s an example:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '',
...     'title': '',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
... }
>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...         'title': noConversion(),
...     },
...     missing_or_empty_defaults = {
...         'location': 'This will never be used because an empty_defaults and missing_defaults value is present',
...         'guests': 10,
...     },
...     empty_defaults = {
...         'location': 'London',
...         'title': 'No Title',
...     },
...     missing_defaults = {
...         'location': 'Paris',
...     },
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
{u'guests': 10,
 u'location': 'Paris',
 u'name': 'Party',
 u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15),
 u'title': 'No Title'}

As you can see the default for the missing location Paris was used in preference to the long string provided in defaults but the value of guests was picked from defaults as nothing more specific was specified and the value of title was chosen from empty_defaults.


Internally, ConversionKit creates a new Conversion instance for any defaults and applies a noConversion() to them so that from that they can be treated as if they had been converted as normal from that point on.

Setting Errors

In the same way that you can set default values for missing and empty fields you can also set errors. If you set an error, any default specified is not used.

Just as with defaults there are three parameters to toDictionary() which you can use:

Sets an error if the field is missing or empty
Sets an error if the field is missing
Sets an error if the field is present but empty

Here’s an example:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '',
...     'title': '',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
... }
>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': noConversion(),
...         'title': noConversion(),
...     },
...     missing_or_empty_errors = {
...         'location': 'This will never be used because an empty_defaults and missing_defaults value is present',
...         'guests': 'The guests value is missing or invalid',
...     },
...     empty_errors = {
...         'location': 'Please enter a value',
...         'title': 'Please enter a value for the title',
...     },
...     missing_errors = {
...         'location': 'Please specify a location',
...     },
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> print conversion.error
The 'location', 'title' and 'guests' fields were invalid
>>> for child in conversion.children.values():
...     if not child.successful:
...         print child.error
Please enter a value for the title
Please specify a location
The guests value is missing or invalid

Of course, you can use the errors, missing_errors and empty_errors parameters at the same time as the defaults, missing_defaults and empty_defaults parameters but you should not configure a situation where an error and a default are set at the same time.

Alternative Ways of Specifing Error Messages

There are occasions when you want to set the same (or similar) error message for each field. In that case it can be tadious to set up the dictionaries for missing_or_empty_errors, missing_errors and empty_errors. Instead ConversionKit provides two more options:

  • Specify a string to be used for each of the converters
  • Specify a (message, field_names) tuple to set the message for the list of fields described by field_names.

Either way the messages you set should be escaped with any % characters written as %% because the messages have Python string formatting applied so that the messages can include the name of the field they are applying to.


If you use the dictionary format for specifying error messages, string substitution is not used because you can include the key name when you define the message for each key.

Here’s are the event and the converters for the examples:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '',
... }
>>> converters = {
...     'name': noConversion(),
...     'guests': stringToInteger(),
...     'location': noConversion(),
... }

Here’s the first example:

>>> event_converter1 = toDictionary(
...     converters = converters,
...     empty_errors = ('Please specify a value for %(key)s', ['guests', 'time']),
...     missing_errors = u'The field %(key)s is missing'
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter1)
>>> print conversion.error
The 'location' and 'guests' fields were invalid
>>> for child in conversion.children.values():
...     if not child.successful:
...         print child.error
Please specify a value for guests
The field location is missing

Notice that we get an error for location and guests but not time since that field is not part of the event.

Here’s the second example:

>>> event_converter2 = toDictionary(
...     converters = converters,
...     missing_or_empty_errors = ('Please specify a value for %(key)s', ['guests', 'time']),
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter2)
>>> print conversion.error
The 'time' and 'guests' fields were invalid
>>> for child in conversion.children.values():
...     if not child.successful:
...         print child.error
Please specify a value for time
Please specify a value for guests

This time we get errors for guests and time because they are stated explicitly but no error for location becuase it isn’t part of the list of fields specified for the missing_or_empty_errors argument.

And the third example:

>>> event_converter3 = toDictionary(
...     converters = converters,
...     missing_or_empty_errors = 'Please specify a value for %(key)s'
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter3)
>>> print conversion.error
The 'location' and 'guests' fields were invalid
>>> for child in conversion.children.values():
...     if not child.successful:
...         print child.error
Please specify a value for guests
Please specify a value for location

This time, since a string is specified for missing_or_empty_errors, all the field names for the converters are used so the errors appear for location and guests.

Thinking in terms of fields

Although the methods described so far for working with missing and empty values work well, some people find it easier to think in terms of individual fields being empty or missing. To support this way of thinking ConversionKit comes with a Field class which allows you to specify any defaults or errors to be associated with a particular field so that you don’t have to specify them directly as arguments to toDictionary(). Internally toDictionary() inspects the fields and assembles the appropriate objects for you from the values you passed to Field.

Here’s an example demonstrating this:

>>> event = {
...     'name': 'Party',
...     'guests': '',
...     'title': '',
...     'time': '2009-02-15',
... }

>>> from conversionkit import Field
>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': Field(
...             stringToInteger(),
...             missing_or_empty_default=10,
...         ),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'location': Field(
...             noConversion(),
...             empty_error='Please enter a value',
...             missing_error='Please specify a location',
...         ),
...         'title': noConversion(),
...     },
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(event).perform(event_converter)
>>> print conversion.error
The location field is invalid
>>> for name, child in conversion.children.items():
...     if not child.successful:
...         print name, 'error: %r' % child.error
...     else:
...         print name, 'result: %r' % child.result
title result: ''
guests result: 10
location error: 'Please specify a location'
name result: 'Party'
time result: datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)

Using Field() objects isn’t considered better than using plain converters and parameters to toDictionary() but it is an approach some people prefer, particularly if they are used to using FormEncode.

Sometimes the values in the dictionary might have complex inter-relations which need further validation or conversion beyond the conversion of the individual key value pairs (fields) it contains. To handle this case you need to know about a new component called a post-converter. Let’s look at these in the next chapter.


You’ve learned a lot in this chapter. You have seen how compound conversions can be performed and how errors can be associated with the data structure as a whole as well as with individual sub-components and you’ve seen how child conversions are stored in a conversion’s .children attribute when compound conversions are performed on them. You’ve also seen how the toDictionary() tool can make working with dictionaries much easier.

Chapter 3: Post-Converters

Once you’ve performed a conversion on a dictionary you end up with a conversion object with either its .error or .result attribute set and a .children attribute containing a structure representing all the individudal conversions necessary to calculate the result.

If you now want to perform some more analysis or conversions on the conversion, according to the rules from Chapter 1 you would need to create new conversions for each of the conversions which have already occurred and assemble a new conversion object. As you can imagine that would quickly get tedious so instead ConversionKit supports the concept of a post converter.

A post converter is just like an ordinary converter except that:

  • the Conversion instance it recieves has already been used.
  • the inner function name ends with _post_converter instead of _converter
  • you are allowed to set results or errors on the conversion or any child conversions even though a result or error may already have been set

This behaviour makes post converters very useful. They can be used for:

  • Setting an error on a child conversion
  • Replacing the result of a child conversion
  • Removing an error from a child conversion and setting a result instead
  • Setting an error on the conversion
  • Add, remove or rename child conversions

Of course, as you saw in Chapter 1, if you set an error on result on a conversion which has already been used, you get an error. ConversionKit therefore provides two functions, set_error() and set_result() which are only to be used in post-converters and which change the error or result on a used conversion. We’ll look at these in a minute but first let’s look at how you can chain together conversions to be able to use a post-converter

Chaining Post-Converters

To chain post-converters you use the chainPostConverters() tool:

>>> from conversionkit import chainPostConverters

The chainPostConverters() tool is different from chainConverters() in that the same Conversion instance is passed to each post-converter in the cahin after the first one. At each point the Conversion instance is expected to be in a consistent state with either a .error or .result attribute set, not both. Of course the first item in the chain has to be an ordinary converter because until it is performed, the Conversion instance won’t have been used. You’ll see an example of chainPostConverters() in the next section.

The set_error() and set_result() functions

One problem you will face when writing post-converters is how to set an error or a result on a child conversion. After all each conversion instance is only designed to be used once so you can’t just set its .error or .result attribute again.

The answer is that you need to use ConversionKit’s set_error() and set_result() functions to reset the conversion and apply the new error or result.

>>> from conversionkit import set_error, set_result


Because Python is a dynamic language with powerful introspection features you can easily access the conversion instance’s private variables to hack an error or result on an existing conversion. This is considered extremely bad practice for two reasons:

  • You might not hack the Conversion object very well and end up leaving it in an inconsistent state
  • The API could change at any time so even if your hack does work correctly at the moment it might not in the future

The set_error() and set_result() functions provided by ConversionKit will always do the right thing so it is important you use them.

Here’s an example of a post-converter making use of set_error() which checks that two fields have the same input value and which sets an error on the second of the two fields if it doesn’t. You could easily write a similar post-converter to check the results of both the fields are the same after having passed through the converters.

>>> def sameValue(field1, field2):
...     def sameValue_post_converter(conversion, state=None):
...         value = conversion.value.copy()
...         if value[field1] != value[field2]:
...             set_error(
...                 conversion.children[field2],
...                 'The fields %s and %s have different values' % (
...                     field1,
...                     field2,
...                 )
...             )
...             set_error(conversion, 'The fields are not valid')
...         # We don't need to set a result because one should already be present
...     return sameValue_post_converter

Let’s test this post-converter:

>>> registration = {
...     'password': '123456',
...     'password_confirm': '654321',
... }
>>> registration_converter = chainPostConverters(
...     toDictionary(
...         empty_errors = {
...             'password': "Please enter a password",
...             'password_confirm': "Please confirm your password",
...         },
...         converters = {
...             'password': noConversion(),
...             'password_confirm': noConversion(),
...         },
...     ),
...     sameValue('password', 'password_confirm'),
... )
>>> conversion = Conversion(registration).perform(registration_converter)
>>> conversion.error
'The fields are not valid'
>>> conversion.children['password_confirm'].error
'The fields password and password_confirm have different values'

When you use the set_error() function any result associated with the conversion is removed because a conversion can’t have a result and an error at the same time.

Using set_result() to change the result of a conversion is very similar but you specify the new result as the second argument instead of an error. When using set_result() any error assoicated with the conversion is removed.

The ConversionKit, RecordConvert and FormConvert packages already have a range of post-converters implemented which you can re-use. Look at their API documentation for details.

The Effect of Missing Fields in toDictionary()

You might be wondering how toDictionary() handles setting the .children attribute of a conversion if a default value or error is set for a missing filed. The reason this is problematic is that there is no initial value to set for the .value attribute so how can toDictionary() create a child conversion on which to set the default value or the error?

The answer is that ConversionKit provides a special object called Missing which should only be used internally by ConversionKit and is only used when a field is missing and a default value or an error needs to be set for it.

>>> from conversionkit import Missing

I don’t personally like having to create an artificual value to have a specific meaning but the alternatives are to:

  • Halt all processing and set an overall error when any missing field is encountered so you don’t set the .children attribute of a conversion at all. The drawback of this approach is that useful error and conversion information information which could be passed on would be discarded and this isn’t helpful in many cases (eg processing HTML forms where you want to show all error messages at once for a user to correct problems).
  • Have another attribute on conversions called .missing to contain the information about the default value or errors. This avoids having to create a Missing class but results in all other post-converters having to do further processing, looking in two places rather than one.

Clearly the Missing object is the least of the three evils.


Now we’ve looked a post-converters you might wonder if there is such a thing as a pre-converter. It turns out there is but that it isn’t very exciting.

You might want to use a pre-converter for:

  • Converting the value from its present (non-dictionary) form into a dictionary so that the individual values can be converted
  • Modifying the input dictionary to add or remove keys
  • All manner of other things

The reason pre-converters aren’t particularly exciting is that they are just ordinary converters which take a value from a Conversion instance’s .value attribute and set a different value as the instance’s .result attribute if there aren’t any errors. This means pre-converters can be applied just by using the ordinary chainConverter tool.

If the input value is a dictionary, pre-converters have to operate on the entire dictionary as if it is a single value and cannot set errors on the individual child conversions to convey an error in a particular field. To do that you would have to use the toDictionary() tool or a post-converter. Pre-converters can therefore only set an overall error.

Pre-converters are very easy to write, they are just normal converters which happen to operate on is a dictionary.

Here’s a pre-converter which replaces a key called name with one called firstname and one called lastname:

>>> def splitName(key='name'):
...     def splitName_converter(conversion, state=None):
...         value = conversion.value.copy()
...         if value.has_key(key):
...             parts = value[key].split(' ')
...             if not len(parts) >= 2:
...                 conversion.error = 'A name should contain at least two parts'
...             else:
...                 value['firstname'] = parts[0]
...                 value['lastname'] = parts[-1]
...         conversion.result = value
...     return splitName_converter

Notice that we create a copy of the conversion’s value. You’ll recall that the idea is that no converters (whether pre-converters, post-converters or any other sort) will modify the original value of a conversion.

Here’s the pre-converter in action, we’re using the string to email converter from FormConvert just to demonstrate that most of the converters you could want already exist. Notice that we specify converters for firstname and lastname even though the input dictionary only has a name key. The pre-converter will convert the input dictionary for us.

>>> from stringconvert.email import unicodeToEmail
>>> contact = {'name': u'James Gardner', 'email': u'james@example.com'}
>>> contact_to_dictionary = chainConverters(
...     splitName('name'),
...     toDictionary(
...         converters={
...             'firstname': noConversion(),
...             'lastname': noConversion(),
...             'email': unicodeToEmail(),
...         }
...     ),
... )
>>> pprint(Conversion(contact).perform(contact_to_dictionary).result)
{u'email': u'james@example.com',
 u'firstname': u'James',
 u'lastname': u'Gardner'}

As you can see the splitName() converter has been applied first to change the input dictionary so that the name key is replaced by firstname and lastname keys and then the toDictionary() converter has converted the individual fields.


In this chapter you’ve seen how to use post-converters to perform further processing on Conversion instances which have already been used. You’ve also seen how the special chainPostConverters() tool is used to chain a normal converter and a series of post-converters.

Since post-converters are such a powerful tool you may be tempted to use them a lot. In many situations it is better to create duplicate Conversion instances in a normal converter rather than using a post-converter otherwise your code can quickly become over-complex.

Chapter 4: List Conversions

Using the toListOf() Converter

We’ve spent quite a lot of time discussing dictionaries as an example of compound conversions and how the toDictionary() converter factory can help simpify the task of writing compound conversions for dictionaries, but there are other data structures which you often need to convert. A common situation in a variety of programming fields is to validate a repeatable set of fields. ConversionKit helps with this use case too by providing the toListOf tool.

The toListOf() tool takes a dictonary converter (of the type produced by calling toDictionary()) as its only argument. It will convert a list made up entirely of dictionaries which can be converted by the dictionary converter you specify.

To demonstrate this let’s create two events and an event converter:

>>> event1 = {'place': 'London', 'name': 'Party', 'guests': '23', 'time': '2009-02-15'}
>>> event2 = {'place': 'London', 'name': 'Dinner', 'guests': '8', 'time': '2009-02-15'}
>>> event_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'name': noConversion(),
...         'guests': stringToInteger(),
...         'time': stringToDate(format='%Y-%m-%d'),
...         'place': noConversion(),
...     },
... )

Here’s an example which converts a list of events:

>>> from conversionkit import toListOf
>>> list_of_events = toListOf(event_converter)
>>> conversion = Conversion([event1, event2]).perform(list_of_events)
>>> print type(conversion.result)
<type 'list'>
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
[{u'guests': 23,
  u'name': 'Party',
  u'place': 'London',
  u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)},
 {u'guests': 8,
  u'name': 'Dinner',
  u'place': 'London',
  u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)}]

Dealing With Errors

Just like with dictionaries, if an error occurs during the conversion the .error attribute will be set on the conversion but the child conversion where the error occurred will also have an error associated with it. In this case the conversion’s .children attribute is a list of child conversions.

Here’s an example which has an error, the time field uses / characters instead of the expected - characters.

>>> event_with_error = {'place': 'London', 'name': 'Party', 'guests': '23', 'time': '2009/02/15'}
>>> conversion = Conversion([event_with_error, event2])
>>> conversion.perform(list_of_events)
<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>
>>> print conversion.error
One of the items was not valid

And here are the child conversions:

>>> conversion.children
[<conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>, <conversionkit.Conversion object at ...>]
>>> conversion.children[0].error
'The time field is invalid'

Specifying the Allowed Number of Items in the List

When working with lists you might want to specify the number of repetitions of items which are allowed. You can do this with the min and max arguments to toListOf().

>>> list_of_events = toListOf(event_converter, min=1, max=3)
>>> conversion = Conversion([event1, event2]).perform(list_of_events)
>>> pprint(conversion.result)
[{u'guests': 23,
  u'name': 'Party',
  u'place': 'London',
  u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)},
 {u'guests': 8,
  u'name': 'Dinner',
  u'place': 'London',
  u'time': datetime.date(2009, 2, 15)}]
>>> conversion = Conversion([]).perform(list_of_events)
>>> print conversion.error
No items were specified
>>> conversion = Conversion([event1, event1, event1, event1]).perform(list_of_events)
>>> print conversion.error
There are too many items in the list. The maximum number is 3.


You’ve now learned how to write compound converters, and how the toDictionary() and toListOf() tools can make creating converters for converting dictionaries and list of dictionaries much easier. You’ve seen how pre-converters and post-converters work and the different types of conversion they each operate on. You’ve also seen how to reset conversions in post-converters.

In the next chapter we’ll take the concept of converting dictionaries and lists one step further and describe how to convert complex data structures comprised of nested lists of dictionaries.

Chapter 5: Nested Conversions

In the last chapter you saw how to work with dictionaries and lists of dictionaries but since the toListOf() tool is still an ordinary converter and a toDictionaryOf() tool is still an ordinary converter there is no reason why you can’t use these compound converters in other toListOf() or toDictionary() calls. This allows you to easily write converters capable of converting complex data structures consisting of nested lists and dictionaries. Conversions involving such data structures are called nested conversions in ConversionKit terminology.

Learning by Example

First let’s create a converter for a simple dictionary which we’ll use in the nested conversions:

>>> simple = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'key': noConversion(),
...     }
... )
>>> simple_data = {
...     'key': 'value'
... }
>>> simple_result = Conversion(simple_data).perform(simple).result
>>> print simple_result
{u'key': 'value'}

Now let’s try to convert a dictionary which has a list of simple dictionaries as the value of the 'key' key:

>>> case1 = {
...     'key': [
...         {
...             'key': 'value'
...         },
...         {
...             'key': 'value'
...         }
...     ],
... }
>>> case1_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'key': toListOf(simple)
...     }
... )
>>> result1 = Conversion(case1).perform(case1_converter).result
>>> pprint (result1)
{u'key': [{u'key': 'value'}, {u'key': 'value'}]}

Now a dictionary which has another dictionary as the value of the 'key' key:

>>> case2 = {
...     'key': {
...         'key': 'value'
...     },
... }
>>> case2_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'key': simple
...     }
... )
>>> result2 = Conversion(case2).perform(case2_converter).result
>>> pprint(result2)
{u'key': {u'key': 'value'}}

How about a list of dictionaries:

>>> case3 = [
...     {
...         'key': 'value'
...     },
...     {
...         'key': 'value'
...     },
... ]
>>> case3_converter = toListOf(simple)
>>> result3 = Conversion(case3).perform(case3_converter).result
>>> pprint(result3)
[{u'key': 'value'}, {u'key': 'value'}]

What about a list of lists of simple dictionaries:

>>> case4 = [
...     [
...         {
...             'key': 'value'
...         },
...     ],
...     [
...         {
...             'key': 'value'
...         },
...     ]
... ]
>>> case4_converter = toListOf(toListOf(simple))
>>> result4 = Conversion(case4).perform(case4_converter).result
>>> pprint(result4)
[[{u'key': 'value'}], [{u'key': 'value'}]]

As you can imagine, you can nest any of these examples in the others to easily create converters for very complex nested data structures.

Obtaining Errors From Nested Conversions

To demonstrate how error can be obtained from the conversions let’s create new converters which are not capable of converting the nested data structures from the last section because they expect the dictionary values to be integers:

>>> simple = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'key': stringToInteger(),
...     }
... )
>>> case1_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'key': toListOf(simple)
...     }
... )
>>> case2_converter = toDictionary(
...     converters = {
...         'key': simple
...     }
... )
>>> case3_converter = toListOf(simple)
>>> case4_converter = toListOf(toListOf(simple))

Now let’s see the errors:

>>> error_simple = Conversion(simple_data).perform(simple)
>>> error_simple.error
'The key field is invalid'
>>> error1 = Conversion(case1).perform(case1_converter)
>>> error1.error
'The key field is invalid'
>>> error2 = Conversion(case2).perform(case2_converter)
>>> error2.error
'The key field is invalid'
>>> error3 = Conversion(case3).perform(case3_converter)
>>> error3.error
'Some of the items were not valid'
>>> error4 = Conversion(case4).perform(case4_converter)
>>> error4.error
'Some of the items were not valid'

As you can see, nested conversions have an .error attribute which returns a single string representing the overall error, just as is the case with compoud conversions.

Extracting Errors From a Nested Conversion

Just as with compound conversions you extract errors from the individual fields in a nested conversion from the .children attribute of the conversion. The only difference is that this time, the child conversions themselves might be compound or nested conversions and so might themselves have a .children attribute.

Early versions of ConversionKit provided tools to automatically extract errors from sets of nested conversions but in practice it is as hard to obtain the relevant error message from the data structure ConversionKit produces as it is to obtain the errors directly from the child conversions since in both cases you need to have an understanding of what the data and errors actually mean in order to choose the appropriate error messages to use.

Chapter 6: Applications of ConversionKit

ConversionKit is being used as the basis for a number of other packages so before you start writing complex validators you might like to investigate some of these other packages:


A set of tools for handling nested sets of records of the type you might encounter frequently when dealing with relational database management systems. The package provides a make_record() converter factory, a Record class and a make_list_of_records() converter factory. RecordConvert is also an implementation of the KERNS data model and contains tools for representing KERNS in XML and JSON as well as a special encoding for representing nested data structures in a simple key-value structure which proves useful when working with HTML forms in particular.


A set of tools for building rules which are used to convert a URL to a dictionary of routing variables and for converting a dictionary of routing variables back to a URL. The routing variables extracted from the URL can be used for application dispatch or as a simple state store. Being able to convert routing variables back to a URL allows you to make application code agnostic of the URLs which it uses. By modifying the URLConvert rules you can then change a URL structure without affecting the applicaiton.


A set of converters specifically designed to convert Unicode strings recieved from a form submission (HTML or otherwise) into Python objects. The package is designed specifically around the KERNS data model and can easily produce data structures consisting of nested records from a single HTML form. It also contains tools for extracting deeply nested error messages so to display on the GUI if data cannot be converted successfully.


A set of converters specifically geared towards the sorts of conversions commonly performed when parsing config file data. Also includes tools to parse a config file encoded directly using a variant of the KENRS encoding specifically for configuration files.

Appendix A: Primer on Functional Python Programming

Before you learn about ConversionKit in detail it is useful to know about Python’s more functional features since they are used extensively in ConversionKit itself and you will need to use a similar approach if you write your own converters.

In traditional Python you might write a class like this:

>>> class DateToString(object):
...     def __init__(self, format):
...         self.format = format
...     def convert(self, date):
...         return date.strftime(self.format)

You could then use this class to convert a date like this:

>>> import datetime
>>> date_to_date_in_words = DateToString('%a, %d %b %Y')
>>> print date_to_date_in_words.convert(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))
Sun, 22 Mar 2009

Here the '%a, %d %b %Y' string tells the DateToString class to convert dates to a string representing the Locale’s date format. As you can see the date_to_date_in_words object is an instance of the DateToString class and when its convert() method is called, the date in the locale’s representation is returned.


Although the examples in this chapter refer to a DateToString converter, a real ConversionKit implementation of such a converter would be slightly more complex. See the next chapter for details and an example.

If we create a new instance of the DateToString class with a different format string we can create an object for performing a slightly different conversion:

>>> date_to_uk_format = DateToString('%d/%m/%Y')
>>> print date_to_uk_format.convert(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))

This time the same DateToString class is used to create a date_to_uk_format object which converts the same date to a UK representation.

So far this is all typical Python behaviour you should already have encountered.

The __call__() Method

All Python classes have a special method named __call__() which is executed if the class instance is called without a method name. Let’s change the definition of the DateToString class so that it uses a __call__() method instead of a convert() method:

>>> class DateToString(object):
...     def __init__(self, format):
...         self.format = format
...     def __call__(self, date):
...         return date.strftime(self.format)

This time the class is used like this:

>>> date_to_date_in_words = DateToString('%a, %d %b %Y')
>>> print date_to_date_in_words(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))
Sun, 22 Mar 2009
>>> date_to_uk_format = DateToString('%d/%m/%Y')
>>> print date_to_uk_format(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))

On lines 2 and 4, no method name is specified when calling the class instance. Instead the date_to_date_in_words and date_to_uk_format instances are called in the same way functions are called which causes Python to execute their __call__() methods. As you can see, the result is the same as before.

In effect the DateToString class is used for nothing more than specifying information about how the conversion code in the __call__() method should perform. In this case there is another way of writing the same code in Python which avoids the need to have a class at all.

Using Nested Functions

Consider this code:

>>> def DateToString(format):
...     def DateToString_converter(date):
...         return date.strftime(format)
...     return DateToString_converter

You can use it in exaclty the same way as before:

>>> date_to_date_in_words = DateToString('%a, %d %b %Y')
>>> print date_to_date_in_words(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))
Sun, 22 Mar 2009

It can take a little bit of thinking to understand how this code works if you haven’t seen this approach before. When the DateToString function is called with a format argument it returns the DateToString_converter() function.

In this case the DateToString_converter() function is assigned to the date_to_date_in_words variable so that in the second line it is actually the DateToString_converter() function which is called with the datetime.date(2009, 3, 22) argument. If that doesn’t quite make sense read this section again and look at the code. If it still doesn’t make sense try testing the above code at a Python prompt to check it works. You’ll see that date_to_date_in_words really is the DateToString_converter() function:

>>> date_to_date_in_words
<function DateToString_converter at 0x...>

If you aren’t used to this style of programming you might be wondering how the DateToString_converter() function can access the format variable passed to the DateToString() function even when the function has returned. This is a feature of Python called a closure. It simply means that Python keeps track of any of the variables passed to the outer function for you. If you call the DateToString() function again with different arguments the change won’t affect the DateToString_converter() functions which have already been returned since a new DateToString_converter() function is created each time DateToString is called and each function keeps track of the arguments the outer function was called with when it was created.

>>> date_to_date_in_words2 = DateToString('%a, %d %b %Y')
>>> date_to_date_in_words is date_to_date_in_words2

Please make sure you understand this section before you move on to learning about the rest of ConversionKit because you will have to use these techniques to write your own validators.

Why Not Just Use Python Classes?

In ConversionKit the same converter is designed to be used over and over again. If converters were implemented as classes it would be possible for an inexperienced developer set an instance variable:

>>> class DateToString(object):
...     def __init__(self, format):
...         self.format = format
...     def __call__(self, date):
...         return date.strftime(self.format)
>>> date_to_date_in_words = DateToString('%a, %d %b %Y')
>>> print date_to_date_in_words(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))
Sun, 22 Mar 2009
>>> date_to_date_in_words.format = '%d/%m/%Y'
>>> print date_to_date_in_words(datetime.date(2009, 3, 22))

Notice that in line 3 the .format attribute is set so that the date_to_date_in_words now doesn’t return a date in words at all but instead returns a string in a UK date format.

This might not seem like a big deal, but ConversionKit is also designed to deal with horribly complex conversions involving nested lists and dictionaries, post converters, chains and pre-converters, each operating on child conversions and keeping track of errors. If one converter were to suddenly start behaving in different way because a piece of code in a completely different part of the application changed an attribute it could create a bug that was very difficult to track down. To help prevent this possibility, ConversionKit uses a functional approach so that the code using a converter can’t access the variables used to create the function.


Technically you can access the variables in a closure from one of the “private” varibales attached to a function object, but you can’t change them so this approach is genuinely more secure.

Extending PEP 8

PEP 8 is a document which defines the recommended coding conventions which should be used when writing Python. Amongst the recommendations are that classes should always start with a capital letter and that functions should always start with a lowercase letter. PEP 8 purists might be very unhappy with the fact that in the functional examples so far, the DateToString function has been named with an upper case letter to look like a class.

Rather than naming functions like classes, ConversionKit and the libraries on which it is based follow this convention:

  • Functions which return functions and which behave a little like classes with a __call__() method should be named in camelCase with a lowercase first letter. All other functions and variable names should be lowercase with words seprarated by underscore characters.

Following this convention, the DateToString() function we’ve been using as an example in this appendix would actually be named dateToString() if it were used in ConversionKit.

To make it easier to rename pairs of inner and outer functions it is recommended that the inner function from such a class be named with the same name as the outer function (in camelCase) but with _converter appended to it. This is the convention you’ll see used in ConversionKit and its documentation.

Appendix B: Tips

  1. Think about how you want to represent the data in the interface
  2. Think about all the places error messages will be displayed
  3. Decide on the validation structure based on the error messages you want the conversions to produce
  4. Design your Form class based on the kerns-encoded data structures (not the Python objects)

Most important: Don’t share converters between API and web interface

Appendix C: FormEncode Compatibility

At the time of writing the dominant validation and conversion library for Python is called FormEncode. In order to facilitate re-use of existing code ConversionKit has been written to be compatible with FormEncode.

ConversionKit is also designed as an alternative/replacement for FormEncode which aims to:

  • Designed around one-way conversions rather than two-way conversions
  • Provide better state information about the conversion taking place by using a conversion object for each conversion
  • Remove the need for Invalid exceptions to provide a more natural API for accessing errors
  • Use no complex Python code in any of the implementation, making it much more straightforward to extend or customise
  • Supports deeply-nested sets of conversions based on lists and ordered dictionaries

ConversionKit supports FormEncode validators and schema as well its own converters. ConversionKit will automatically handle FormEncode Invalid exceptions and set the conversion object’s .error attribute with an appropriate value.

Here’s an example:

>>> class State(object): pass
>>> state = State()
>>> from conversionkit import Conversion
>>> import formencode
>>> validator = formencode.validators.DateConverter()
>>> Conversion('12/12/2009').perform(
...     validator,
...     state,
...     formencode_method='to_python'
... ).result
datetime.date(2009, 12, 12)

All FromEncode validators and converters have two conversion functions, one to convert to Python and one designed to convert from Python. This means FormEncode validators can perform two types of conversion whereas a ConversionKit converter only performs one conversion. To use FormEncode validators and schema with ConversionKit you need to tell ConversionKit which converter you wish to use. Notice that the perform() method takes an extra argument named formenocde_method. This can take the string value 'to_python' or 'from_python' depending on which of the FormEncode validator’s methods you wish to use. This allows you to use existing validators with ConversionKit.

If you have FormEncode installed, ConversionKit will derive it’s Invalid exception class from the formencode.Invalid class. This means that you can use ConversionKit in existing FormEncode code. Here’s an example:

>>> import formencode
>>> class EmptyState(object): pass
>>> state = EmptyState()
>>> try:
...     result = Conversion('12/02/2009').perform(
...         formencode.validators.DateConverter(),
...         state,
...         formencode_method='to_python',
...     ).result
... except formencode.Invalid, e:
...     print "Failed, %r"%e
... else:
...     print "Success: %r"%result
Success: datetime.date(2009, 12, 2)

In its internal handling of FormEncode validators, ConversionKit uses two tools which make FormEncode behave in a more standard way. You are free to use them in your own code too. They are:

A class which takes the state you wish to use as its only argument. During certain validation operations FormEncode sets certain attributes on the state object it receives. If you are using a custom state object you probably don’t want these to actually be set on your object. This class intercepts the operations FromEncode uses and stores them internally so your state is not affected.
This function takes a FormEncode exception object and converts it to a dictionary of errors, raising an exception if there are any errors not associated with a field.

In addition, if you are using a webob.Request object such as the one used in Pylons you might want to use this function:

This takes the request.params object and converts it into a normal dictionary, taking account of multiple values for the same key. If you just called dict() on the object you’d only get the first value for each key.
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