James Gardner: Home > Work > Code > ConversionKit > 0.3.0 > Appendix C: FormEncode Compatibility

ConversionKit v0.3.0 documentation

Appendix C: FormEncode CompatibilityΒΆ

At the time of writing the dominant validation and conversion library for Python is called FormEncode. In order to facilitate re-use of existing code ConversionKit has been written to be compatible with FormEncode.

ConversionKit is also designed as an alternative/replacement for FormEncode which aims to:

  • Designed around one-way conversions rather than two-way conversions
  • Provide better state information about the conversion taking place by using a conversion object for each conversion
  • Remove the need for Invalid exceptions to provide a more natural API for accessing errors
  • Use no complex Python code in any of the implementation, making it much more straightforward to extend or customise
  • Supports deeply-nested sets of conversions based on lists and ordered dictionaries

ConversionKit supports FormEncode validators and schema as well its own converters. ConversionKit will automatically handle FormEncode Invalid exceptions and set the conversion object’s .error attribute with an appropriate value.

Here’s an example:

>>> class State(object): pass
>>> state = State()
>>> from conversionkit import Conversion
>>> import formencode
>>> validator = formencode.validators.DateConverter()
>>> Conversion('12/12/2009').perform(
...     validator,
...     state,
...     formencode_method='to_python'
... ).result
datetime.date(2009, 12, 12)

All FromEncode validators and converters have two conversion functions, one to convert to Python and one designed to convert from Python. This means FormEncode validators can perform two types of conversion whereas a ConversionKit converter only performs one conversion. To use FormEncode validators and schema with ConversionKit you need to tell ConversionKit which converter you wish to use. Notice that the perform() method takes an extra argument named formenocde_method. This can take the string value 'to_python' or 'from_python' depending on which of the FormEncode validator’s methods you wish to use. This allows you to use existing validators with ConversionKit.

If you have FormEncode installed, ConversionKit will derive it’s Invalid exception class from the formencode.Invalid class. This means that you can use ConversionKit in existing FormEncode code. Here’s an example:

>>> import formencode
>>> class EmptyState(object): pass
>>> state = EmptyState()
>>> try:
...     result = Conversion('12/02/2009').perform(
...         formencode.validators.DateConverter(),
...         state,
...         formencode_method='to_python',
...     ).result
... except formencode.Invalid, e:
...     print "Failed, %r"%e
... else:
...     print "Success: %r"%result
Success: datetime.date(2009, 12, 2)

In its internal handling of FormEncode validators, ConversionKit uses two tools which make FormEncode behave in a more standard way. You are free to use them in your own code too. They are:

A class which takes the state you wish to use as its only argument. During certain validation operations FormEncode sets certain attributes on the state object it receives. If you are using a custom state object you probably don’t want these to actually be set on your object. This class intercepts the operations FromEncode uses and stores them internally so your state is not affected.
This function takes a FormEncode exception object and converts it to a dictionary of errors, raising an exception if there are any errors not associated with a field.

In addition, if you are using a webob.Request object such as the one used in Pylons you might want to use this function:

This takes the request.params object and converts it into a normal dictionary, taking account of multiple values for the same key. If you just called dict() on the object you’d only get the first value for each key.
James Gardner: Home > Work > Code > ConversionKit > 0.3.0 > Appendix C: FormEncode Compatibility