22 Apr, 2014
I've been looking into Google App Engine again recently. One thing that is quite interesting is the interal design of the md_code(ndb) module. The docstring points at monocle as an inspirtation.
What is nice is that the API can be used syncronosuly, or asyncronously with futures, or using md_code(yield From). (There is no md_code(yield from) because it is Python 3).
In turn it is pretty clear from the design of Python 3.4's md_code(asyncio) module that some of these ideas have made it into its design. md_code(trollius) is the name of the Python 2.5+ version of the md_code(asyncio) codebase.
I've been having a little play, and this is a simple API that allows code that looks blocking to use either futures or yield from both externally and internally. I quite like the approach. Although the code to set up and run the loop looks complicated, and the code inside the md_code(slow_operation()) function looks complicated, the use of the function by the user is simple.
Here is md_code(demo.py):
Run it like this:
virtualenv env
env/bin/pip install trollius
env/bin/python demo.py
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