14 Aug, 2007
Here's the same example as before but implemented using YUI rather than scriptaculous:
${h.select( "TopicSet-1.TopicID", option_tags=topic_options, onchange="callAJAX('%s','diseases-select'); return false;"%( h.url_for(controller="newstudy", action="disease_dropdown_fragment"), ) )} <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function callAJAX(sUrl, replace){ var callback = { success: function(o) { YAHOO.util.Dom.get(replace).innerHTML = o.responseText; }, failure: function(o) { alert("Failed to retrieve required information."); } } sUrl = sUrl +'?TopicSet-1.TopicID=' sUrl = sURL+YAHOO.util.Dom.get('TopicSet-1.TopicID').value; var transaction = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, callback, null); } //]]> </script>
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